Chapter 1

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Groaning, I push myself up off the harsh, cold dirt I find myself laying on. I blink my eyes open, coughing as the dust around me settles over my now torn and bloodied robes. Looking around, I take in the sight before me.

Many bodies litter the ground around me, some from my family, others the angels we killed. Golden blood spills from the bodies and is soaked into the ground.

I gasp at the searing pain that spreads across my back, like hot coals being buried under my skin where my wings protrude from my back. Gritting my teeth, I push myself to my feet, gripping onto a wound on my side tightly.

Hearing a faint cry, I slowly make my way towards the sound, briefly glancing at the faces of my comrades and enemies.

"I-it hurts!" Someone grabs onto my ankle, bloodied and broken.

I kneel next to them, taking their hand in mine. "It is ok. I am right here," I whisper, giving their hand a squeeze.

Their breathing becomes shuttered. "M-make th-them s-suff-ffer," they whisper as their eyes turn glassy.

I grit my teeth, releasing the now limp hand. I can hear other soft cries of pain as I gaze around.

"I will make those good-for-nothing angels pay for this," I grumble under my breath, step around the limp and broken bodies.

"Si-sister..." A soft voice calls out to me. "He-help me..."

I head towards the voice to find my younger sister, Laney, struggling to sit up.

Her once beautifully feathered wings are now stripped of the golden feathers she used to admire. Her body is covered in bruises and her once blonde hair is now filled with ash.

I kneel next to her, wrapping my arm around her waist to lift her up. "Do not worry, I am here," I tell her, guiding her to lean on me.

"Momma and Papa are gone," she whimpers, leaning on me with tears in her eyes. Her pale face is streaked with tears.

"I know," I tell her softly, walking slowly with her. "Let us look for survivors of this brutality."

She grips my arm, trying to keep herself upright. "I-I think Evergreen fell over that way." She points to our left, her hand shaking.

Nodding, I slowly walk us over in the direction she pointed, looking for anyone who could possibly have made the fall.

"That fucking bitch will pay for this!" I hear someone scream.

"Evergreen!" I hear Laney cry out.

Up ahead is my older brother, Evergreen, covered in bruises and blood. The feathers on his wings are half missing, with more falling off as he moves. His once long silvery hair has now been burned short and brown.

"Come, brother," I say, extending a hand towards him.

He sneers at me, but walks towards us regardless. "I know where Father landed. I will go grab him," he says, looking incredibly pissed off.

I nod. "We are going to keep looking for others."

He waves at us halfheartedly, already walking away from us.

I glance at Laney before moving ourselves again.

"What could this place possibly be?" Laney asks in a small, pained voice.

"I do not know," I tell her, adjusting my grip on her. "It is a cold and barren land. Who knows what could be here."

"P-please, I-I need h-help," a strained voice calls out from behind us.

We turn to find Amon, another older brother, laying on the ground bleeding. His skin is covered in dust and dirt and he has a gash above his eye. His wings have been broken and lie limply beside him.

We hurry over to him the best we can and kneel beside him.

"Amon! You are still alive!" Laney cries, grabbing our brother's face gently.

"It hurts," he wheezes. "Please help me..."

I wrap my arms under his knees and around his back, hoisting him up to carry. Amon groans in pain. "Apologies, brother. Come, Laney, we must find shelter soon," I say, glancing up at the slowly darkening sky.

Laney nods, struggling to stand. "Let us go meet up with Evergreen and Father."

I nod and start our journey towards where we watched our brother disappear.

After about half an hour, we reach a large hut-like shelter with torches lit outside. Laney knocks on the door.

"Please, we need some medical help, could you open the door?" She calls, leaning on me for support.

I adjust Amon in my arms and support Laney as well.

"Go away! We will not help any of your kind!" A gruff voice yells.

"Who are you talking about? We have been cast out from our home and are desperately in need of help," I bark, getting a bit agitated.

The sound of a chain clinking behind the door is our only warning before the door is thrown open, revealing a rounded face with large brown eyes covered in dirt.

"Who are you?" The woman in the doorway asks, eyeing us cautiously.

"Fallen angels. Now, please help my brother and sister," I say, glancing down at Amon in my arms.

The woman tuts her tongue, but ushers us in, helping Laney inside.

"Set that one on the bed over there," the woman commands, gesturing at a small bed made of straw.

Gently settling Amon on the bed, I smooth his hair from his face.

He clutches my hand weakly, trembling. "Do not leave," he whispers.

"I will not," I respond, squeezing his hand.

His eyes close as the woman approaches with some medicines and water.

"Move aside and tend to the other one," she says, shooing me away.

I nod, walking over to Laney, who is seated at another bed. "How are you feeling?" I ask her, tending to her wounds.

She winces. "I hurt, but I am sure it is not as bad as Amon's pain."

I look at her, but say nothing as I continue cleaning her wounds.

A knock on the door interrupts us. I glance over towards the door, feeling my father's presence. Without even thinking, I find myself at the door, opening it. Before me stands my brother with my father, both looking worse for wear. I usher them inside and towards two beds next to Laney, making sure the woman is not disturbed.

"My d-daughters, my son..." Father whispers, looking distraught.

"Lie down," I tell him, helping him into the bed.

Evergreen drops onto the bed next to him, falling asleep immediately.

"L-Lana," Father says, looking up at me. "Wh-where..."

I shake my head and press a finger to his lips. "Hush now, Father. You need to rest. All will be well once you wake up again."

His eyes drift close, and soon, he is also asleep.

The woman approaches me. "Who are these?" She asks, wiping her hands off on her apron.

"My father and brother. I apologize for imposing on you such as this." I bow to her. "I ask that we only stay tonight, and shall be out of here by tomorrow morning."

She shakes her head, tutting at me. "My dear, your family is in bad shape. You certainly are not in any better shape." She guides me over to a bed, with me protesting. "My dear, your head is bleeding and so is your side. You will not make it out of here by tomorrow unless you are also treated."

I open my mouth to protest, but she stops me.

"I will take care of them after I help you. You have done enough for now."

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