Episode 11: Paradise Lost Part II

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Wonder Woman was looking down at the relic that deceived them all. "Powerful  forces are at work here."

Superman groans and feels his head after the battle Diana and him had. "Tell me something I don't know."

Diana gives the relic to Clair Voyance and helps Superman up. "I hope I didn't hurt you."

Superman smiles and tells her as he feels his chin. "Let's just say I'm glad we're usually on the same team."

Clair used her Voyance to scan the relic. "These energy readings are like nothing I've ever seen before. Power readings are off the scale."

Superman tells her. "When we get back to the Watchtower, I think we can get closer look at what's inside this thing and why Faust wants it so bad."

The three then leave the store and meet up with the others, who don't appear in a illusion and can see properly again.

Pankration commnets as he twist his arm around. "Owww, I don't want to touch that thing again."

Diana says. "I wonder how the others are doing?"

Skycrawler answers her. "Better then us, I think."

Batman then calls Diana through her ear piece. "Diana, I've dug up something on your friend, Faust."

"What is it?" Diana asks through her earpiece.

Batman replies back to her. "I think you'd better look for yourself."

Later at the University.....

Both teams of the Justice League joint back together and were investigating Faust's office, discovering that Faust had collected relics from different mythologies around the world.

"Fascinating." J'onn says. "Faust clearly has a great passion for learning."

Where did her get this stuff?" Flash says as he picks a sceptre of sorts. "Warlocks-R-us?"

Batman then looks at the sceptre and sees an eye open on the top. "Don't touch that!"

The sceptre shoots a laser at the wall behind Batman after he dodged it.

"Oops." Flash says as he realises what happened.

Batman walks over to him and takes the sceptre. "Don't touch anything! We don't know what kind of powers we're dealing with!"

Everyone responds back by putting the relics they were holding back where they found them, not wanting to make some mistake Flash did.

Superman asks as he looks at the crater. "So who is this Faust?"

Batman explains. "Felix Faust was once a respected professor of archeology. But when he become fascinated with the mystic arts he was kicked out of the university for his heretical ideas. He swore revenge o those who mocked him and several later disappeared under mysterious circumstances."

Wonder Woman looks at three life like terrified masks hanging above a cabinet. "I have pretty good idea what happened to them."

The team realised that these mask were the people that mocked Faust.

"Ew!" Flash says as he looks at the mask in disgust.

Superman was also disturbed by them. "He's mad."

All Might says as he looks at Faust's victims. "This man, he reminds a lot of All For One. He must be stopped!"

"It get worse." Batman tells them. "I found his journal. The last entries make reference to Tartarus."

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