Episode 20: Skull Island Part I

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The Justice League (Batman, Martian Manhunter, Izuku, Xylo, Wonder Woman, Hawkgirl, Nyikang, Pankration, Elecplant, Clair Voyance, Marcus Moreno and Tech-No) were all on the Javelin, being called for a rescue mission for a ship that was caught within a storm.

"Batman." Clair called to the dark knight's attention. "We've just reached the last known location of ship, right in that storm." She points to massive swirling storm ahead of them.

Elecplant felt an uncomfortable surge just by looking at the storm. "There's something off about that."

Tech-No explained. "Yeah, cuz it's a category 6, I mean that's not even on the rating yet here it is."

He adds. "If that's not even weirded, then this is." He shows a holographic map above the storm and which shows a large island in the shape of a human's skull within the hurricane.

"An island?" Hawkgirl said.

"A rather ominous looking one." Pankration commented.

"Skull Island." Izuku named it.

"Catchy." Moreno said.

"Elecplant is right." J'onn stated. "The storm is displaying massive amounts of energy within it. Earth's magnetic fields are somehow being shifted because of it."

"That's not possible." Tech-No contrast. "Magnetic Fields can't do that unless it's combined with solar energy from the sun directly."

"Something about this island doesn't make sense."

Batman warns them. "Brace yourselves." He then flew the Javelin into the storm and it suddenly gets hit by lighting.

Green Lantern uses his ring to create a barrier around, allowing them to move through the storm without being hit again.

As they pass through the storm, they are greeted to large lush island with many islands next to each other.

"Y'know, if this storm wasn't such a death trap, this would make an amazing place for a vacation, remind me to bring Cow Lady with us, next time." Elecplant said.

"You really think showing her an island is going to amaze her?" Hawkgirl asked.

"Why not?" Elecplant asked back. "Look at this place, it's beautiful."

Suddenly just as GL turned off the barrier, the ship was hit by another lightning bolt.

"I thought we just pass through the storm!" Moreno asked.

"We did!" Tech-No tells him. "Something else hit us!"

Something caught Izuku's eyes from the light of the sun as multiple flying figures fly towards the ship. "What is that?!"

Elecplant said. "Very large birds?"

"They look more like bats." Tech-No commented.

Whatever these creatures were, one of them shot lighting from it's mouth at the ship.

Batman quickly turned and evaded the shot, he flew under the l above the ocean to avoid a fire fight, but these creatures were relentless in hunting, they outnumbered the ship over 15 and were almost as big as the ship itself.

Wonder Woman and Hawkgirl few out and started to knock them back, but they soon turned their attention to them.

Elecplant then started to shoot lightning from the Javelin, but that seem to have just energised them. "Right, they shoot electricity and they feed on electricity, should've known that."

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