Episode 3: Training and Preparations

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Izuku's narration

After meeting with the Justice League, I was given the great honour to be trained by them.

Each member would be responsible for improving different sets of my skills.

Batman was the one who created plan for the training I would do until I reached peak human strength he would approve of me going on missions with the league.

For the 10 months, I went through hell to get ready for any mission and UA.

1: Running With The Flash

Izuku was in a large room in the Watchtower where there is a running track in the middle "I'm still shocked you guys managed to build this place, it's amazing!"

Flash chuckles"It never gets old."

Izuku then asks him. "So what are we going to do today."

Flash smirks and says. "It's actually quite normal jog, we're going to do as many laps as possible."

Izuku eyes widened. "Wait what?! But I can't keep up with you!"

Flash puts his hand on Izuku's shoulder to calm him down. "Calm down Kid, this isn't a race. I'm job here is to track how long you can run."

Izuku calms down realising what they were doing. "Oh....So this is just a speed work out."

Flash shook his head. "Nope. This is actually stamina run. Every Superhero needs to keep their body in a fit condition to fight for hours, the best way of doing that is raising your stamina level, if you'll tire out before you can actually pick a fight with any villains you faced."

That a made a lot of sense to Izuku, after his encounter with the sludge villain and being nearly killed by him, so improving his speed and stamina will increase his chances in a fight.

The two got on to the starting position before a timer went off, that was the cue for them to start running.

Flash clearly dominated the track in lightning speed leaving burned foot marks every time he touch the floor.

Izuku on the other hand, was able to run through the whole track, but he was already struggling to catch his own breath.

Flash stops and checks Izuku's time, the boy landing around 3 or more minutes to clear this track.

He says to the kid. "Alright then.... Where gonna have to work on this, but don't worry this happens to everyone even me." He then hands over a gauntlet to Izuku and places it on his arm. "Now this is prototype speed gauntlet. It should replicate my speed for ya. Try it out."

Izuku then pressed a button on the gauntlet and it suddenly activated. He then got into running position and once he started running, he ended crashing into a wall, since he didn't really know how quick it was.

Flash winced at the sight. "Okay, some designs flaws will definitely need to be fixed. But good game, kid....yep, good game."

2: Martian Manhunter's Emotional Therapy

Izuku and J'onn were in a isolated room sitting in chairs across from each other.

The boy asked the martian. "What do you plan on teaching me mr J'onzz?"

J'onn told him. "Batman requested that I train your mind to help deal with stress,anxiety or any fear you may have. Most of the training you will receive will not just train your physical attributes but your mental abilities as well."

Izuku nods and asks. "What do I need to do first?"

J'onn tells him. "I'm sorry, but in need to do this I will have to read your mind to find some of this that you are frightened of. I know that people might mind having the minds being read. But if you feel uncomfortable we can stop this training."

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