Episode 14: "Xylo"

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The Watchtower's infirmary....

Godzillo and Pankration was standing guard over the "Champion", when he was told that this man was a son of Hades everyone was surprised and confused at the same time, why would Hades own son attack him and sent him into the Underworld?

They knew so little. Batman decided to search through the man's armour and equipment. Searching through his belongings, Batman did not find anything that could tell him who is name, he did however find a strange medallion with a symbol of a bow and arrow.

He then decided to interrogate the stranger's brother , who was kept in a room for his interrogation.

Clair and Hawkgirl were sent in for questioning.

"Is this because of my brother?" The young boy asked.

Clair answered. "Yes."

"What's wrong with my brother? Is he sick?" He asked worried about his brother's condition.

"No no, nothing like that." Clair assured him. "We just want to know is how you are connected with him."

Clair adds. "Let's start with your name."

"Coleus." He told his name. "My name is Coleus. Son of Persephone and Hades."

"Alright then Coleus." Voyance said. "Let's start with how you are connected to the man and his father Hades."

Coleus explained. "Me and my brother never met until two months ago, when he was fighting in our father's arena, where the strong survive and the weak die. Other thousand warriors enter the arena and only one man rises as the victor. That victor is my brother, for years he was the reigning champion, all who faced him met an end faster then they realised it. At first when I saw him, I just thought he was some blood thirsty warrior who lived for thrill."

He continues. "When we met face to face, he showed a rather different face then the one I've seen before. He showed a friendly attitude and treated me like an actually brother. After he told me that he was from this world and he wanted to show me this world and leave my father's shadow and his kingdom. I decided to go with him and see this world he loves so much, we also brought along another warrior named Grug the Minotaur who you met with us. After we heard our father speaking with that sorcerer, we followed him and exit the hell I called home and that's when we found you guys and now where here."

"What's his name?" Hawkgirl asked.

"I don't know." Coleus answered. "Our father called him many names. The black ghost, His champion, death and his masterpiece."

Clair had recorded the whole conversation with Coleus. "Thank you. You can return back to your room with Grug, I believe that Elecplant and Plastic are both done talking with him."

"Grug's not the most talkative person." Coleus tells her as they walk out of the room.

"Well.... That went well." Elecplant said as he exited the other room with Plastic.

"I told you not to call him that." Mr Plastic tells him.

"What did you say?" Hawkgirl asked.

"Hehe." Elecplant chuckled awkwardly. "Well you see, I may have called him a boar and now he's sad." He explained as shows Grug in the other room crying. "I'm starting to think that Batman should've probably done this instead of me."

"Speaking of which." Mr Plastic says. "Where is he?"

Clair explained. "He's doing research on a medallion he found in the man's pocket."

Meanwhile with Batman, J'onn, Wonder Woman, Izuku, All Might, Superman, Skycrawler, Captain Celebrity and Green Lantern

Batman showed them the medallion he found on the monitor.

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