Episode 7: The Enemy Below Part II

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With Aquaman facing his treacherous brother without the aide of the heroes, he soon found himself outnumbered by the Orm's forces.

With his brother now surrounded, Orm spoke to him. "For years I've stood in your shadow and watch while you led Atlantis to the brink of ruin. I'll stand no more! And neither will your Generals."

Brak then speaks up. "This is a battle we should have fought years ago, but you betrayed us by siding with our enemies!"

Aquaman rage grew more now knowing that his most loyal allies have turned out to be the same man ones who tried to assassinate him, He punches two of the soldiers in front of him and charges at Orm but before he can land a strike on him, Orm shoots a lighting blot out of the trident which renders the king barely conscious.

"Take him away!" Orm orders the guards to
imprison his brother where he won't be a nuisance to his plan, he then orders his new second in command. "General Brak, ready your troops at once!"

"Yes, my Lord." Brak obliges waiting many years to be given that exact order and starts preparations for the assault.

As everyone leaves the throne room, Orm seeing that no one else is in the room, sits comfortably on the throne and smiles believing that he is finally where he belongs.

But before he could enjoy this short-victory he was unexpectedly visited by a familiar voice. "Orm! They said my husband has return is it true?!"

Orm didn't want Mera to know of his betrayal so he deceived her. "I wish it were. But it's only a unfounded rumour."

Believing in his words, Mera mourned her husband and nearly broke into tears. "I tried to be strong, but without him..."

Orm comforts his sister in law pretending to be mourning as well. "Don't worry Mera, I'll take care of you and your son."

Mera was surprised. "My son?!"

Orm tells her. "I've already taken the precautions placing him under my protection."

Mera soon realised what he meant by this and she runs to her son's crib and was shocked to find it empty.

Orm says to her. "These are dangerous times Mera, we can't be too careful."

Mera asks him. "Where is he?"

Orm answers. "The prince will come to no harm as long as you cooperate."

Mera was horrified to see how far Orm has gone. "How could you do this?"

Orm tells her. "I assure you, I'm only doing what is best for Atlantis."

He walks out leaving Mera speechless of what has become of Orm.

On the Javelin... The league (Minus Midoriya and Batman.) are flying towards Atlantis. "We're almost there, Atlantis is just beyond that reef." Wonder Woman piloted the ship under the ocean.

GL says. "Don't expect them to welcome us with open arms."

All Might responds. "Oh yeah? Well I'll greet them with a fist full of justice! Haha!"

"Sit back down Toshinori." Manhunter says to him as his weight caused ship to start dropping.

"Sorry." All Might quickly apologises as he sits back down in his small form.

Superman says. "Set the ship down here maybe we can slip under their defences."

Suddenly the ships was under fire by Atlantis soldiers. "Too late they've already seen us!" Martian Manhunter speaks as he and the others see a fleet surrounds."

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