Episode 22: The Wrath of Scourge Part I

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Batman brought Xylo, Izuku, Skycrawler, Mr Plastic, Voyance, All Might, Cow Lady and Elecplant to his home city, Gotham City.

The heroes where in their civilian disguises to avoid detection, even if they were heroes, they would become targets for any criminal attack as Gotham was even more dangerous at night.

Batman gave them coordinates to an unknown location within the heart of the city.

As they arrived at the location Batman sent, it was an old clock tower with no actual entrance in it.

As Izuku was looking around, a wall suddenly opens in front of him, revealing a secret entrance into the tower.

They walked and found a rather large are where there was only a elevator that leads up to the top of the inside of the tower.

The heroes entered and were brought them up the top floor, where they arrived in a large room, where a computer was set up by the clock that can be seen through.

"What is this place?" Izuku as he looked around.

"The Belfry." A voice says above him, Batman lands on the same floor as them and walks to them. "I had the old Wayne tower shut down to the public, just in case the Batcave was ever comprised, I also want it to be a good for us coordinating with each other in Gotham City.

Skycrawler raised his hand asked. "Isn't that what the Watchtower is for?"

Batman explains. "Gotham is a lot more different to other cities, for starters I'm the only hero opening the city and police force, let's just say that they aren't really trusting on the whole pro hero agencies."

"Is that why you brought us here?" Mr Plastic asked. "To build a base of operations for the Justice League in Gotham?"

"More." Batma explained. "Now as you know, unregistered heroes in Japan are considered criminals, now we can still enter country, but if we use our power or attempt to indulge in "hero work" then we will be arrested. So that's why me and Superman thought it would be good idea to set up smaller bases within Japan. And to test some of the equipment I thought we could use the old tower here in Gotham as a test."

"So, you want to us for maintenance?" Elecplant basically pointed out their mission.

"You were the only ones available and I right now, and I don't have time to do it myself." Batman said.

"You're going on a mission?" Xylo asked.

Batman confirmed. "I'm meeting with the Commissioner to investigate a robbery of high tech facilities around the city, leaving them in a frozen state."

"Frozen state?" Izuku said. "If I recall correctly, there's only one villain in the city to do that."

"Yes." Batman confirms. "If Freeze is back and attack these labs that means he's planning something big."

The team look around and see what their jobs are.

Cow Lady asked. "But what if we-" he disappears before she could finish. "Rude."

"That's Batman." Mr Plastic states.

"Yeah, he's never been so a keen in working with others, especially in his own town. It's best we just do as he says we should do." All Might says before got in his buff form. "Right now, we have a tower to fixer up!"

The team began setting up all the equipment and gear for the Belfry, Mr Plastic and Voyance were setting up all equipment, Skycrawler and Izuku were setting up communications on the top of tower, Elecplant and Cow Lady were building and setting up several generators under the tower and All Might and Xylo were building and destroying any walls, creating more room within the tower.

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