Episode 1: The Way of The Hero

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"We live in a superhuman society were the majority of the population have amazing powers known as quirks some use their powers for their own goals we call them Villains and there are those who use their to combat these Villains and protect the innocent people we call those Heroes and for as long as I can remember I wanted to be one a hero who smiled to the people but for that to happen I needed a quirk of my own and unfortunately I was never born with one but that did stop me from chasing my dream however there were those who didn't believe in me even my "best friend" Kacchan belittle me for it."

"When I was walking home from school I was jumped by a Villain made of sludge attacked me hoping to use my body to get away from a hero that was chasing him just as I was about to close a hero burst into the scene that hero was none other then the number one hero All Might! In one fell swoop he defeated the villain and incased him into a bottle just as he was about to fly away I latched onto his leg as he lifted off when he realised he quickly landed onto a building where he reverted into a small form I then asked him my question if it's possible for me to be a hero without a quirk."

"Pro hero are always risking their lives. Some villains just can't be beaten without powers. So honestly, no, I don't think you can be hero without a quirk."

those words hit Izuku hard as he falls to his knees after All Might said that to him, when people usually say this to him he simply doesn't acknowledge them but by his idol of all people say that to him shattered all his hope

After seeing the wound All Might's torso, he could kinda understand but it was always his dream to become hero like him

As All Might makes his off the rooftop's doors he says to young boy "If you wanna help people, there are plenty of other ways to do it. You can become a police officer. They get crap because the heroes capture most of the villains but it's a fine profession."

As he opens the door and just before he leaves he says to Izuku "It's not bad to have a dream young man just make sure your dreams are attainable. Realistic. Understand?"

Izuku did't move after All Might's words it hit him quite hard after having his hopes crushed by his idol

As All Might left down the stairs he checked his pocket to see if the bottle was still holding Sludge "Now let's get you back to the station-.''

He suddenly realised the pocket was empty, causing him to frantically search around to see if he dropped  it somewhere on the stairs.

Suddenly a loud explosion could be seen from the building where All Might sees smoke coming around like a dark cloud

The Villain must have fallen out when the boy latched onto him and took off with him

Right now All Might could only think of only one word for this moment "Not good!"
Meanwhile at the city's airport...

Two reporters had just gotten off the plane and wear walking down the streets of Musutafu one of them was taking the lead as the other tried keep up

The reporter falling called to the other ahead of him "Hey Lois wait up."

The reporter known as Lois Lane stopped and waited for him

The reporter known as Lois Lane stopped and waited for him

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