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Me literally laughing at myself for even thinking of this story. But I had so much fun with my wonderland crossovers that I thought what the hell! HOTD and Disney... great combination.


Daemon loved Snow Stark. Without doubt or question in his mind. She was the woman he wanted to marry. But commitment and Daemon were not simpatico.

True he was already married but did his bronze bitch even count? Daemon didnt think so.

He didnt care that she once was a bastard. She was beautiful and funny and fearless and he loved devouring every inch of her porcelain skin.

"Daemon," Snow moaned out as her body arched up to greet him. She felt him chuckle against her core.

"I love it when you beg." Daemon whispered against her.

Snow first met daemon when she came to the capital for Rhaenyras coronation. He was marrying a whore to annoy his brother for choosing Rhaenyra over him. At least that was his goal but then he met Snow Stark.

"That's Caraxes." Daemon remarked and Snow jumped.

"Sorry," she declared turning to face him, hands up in surrender. "Repetitive speeches bore me. I didnt mean to snoop." She glanced back at Caraxes. "But yes I did."

"Who are you gorgeous creature?" Daemon questioned.

"Snow Stark." She gave him her very best curtsy.

Snow was a Snow. But her father legitimized her. She became Snow Stark. Her real name was long forgotten and never used. Everyone called her Snow.

It was love at first sight for him but it was an adventure for her. She loved him she did but the more she loved him the more she saw a future together and the more he liked the fact that they were being secret their forbidden romance. That she was for him and him alone. He thought that if they would got married they would lose that spark that excitement the forbidden passion between them.

Snow thought the exact opposite she thought they were going to create the world together form a dynasty of their own. They could be magnificent together. Ruling fire and ice.

He was a few years older than her and maybe she was naïve to think that a prince could ever love a legitimize bastard like her but for moons they had this forbidden secret love affair. She was sure they were meant to be. Her father went home and she stayed in the south saying she wanted to learn from the ladies at court find some purpose in life. Her father wanted her to follow her passions.

But snow couldn't get daemon the one thing that he wanted more than life itself. The crown. That day they first met he was mad he was furious. He was supposed to be the crowned heir of the iron throne.

Rhaenyra claimed that title. It should have been his. Snow was a good distraction from the despair that was becoming his life. But she quickly became more than a distraction. She became one of his greatest desires.

Princess Charming // Aemond Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora