Geez I'd be terrified too if the only thing I'd heard about the research centre was that they'd experiment on me, especially if I'd been told that as a freaking child.

I turned to look at him quickly but noticed a small clump of fur on his legs and realised that he'd pulled it out of his tail.

"Yoongi!" I cried, panic bubbled in my chest and I pulled over.

"W-what are you doing?" The fear was truly evident in his voice now, there was no hiding it.

"Yoongi, you are literally ripping your hair out!" I pried his hands away and tried to inspect the small patch on his tail that was now hairless.
"I'm sorry, but I'm taking you home. I can't see you like this."

I let go of him and put my hands back on the steering wheel, only to have them ripped off just as quickly.

"NO!" Yoongi held my hands so tightly that it almost hurt. "No, no, please. I need to do this."

"But why? This is clearly too much for you, and I don't blame you! I don't want to see you like this, I don't want you to be scared. I just want you to be happy and safe. I want to take you home."
I pulled one of my hands out of his grip and gently stroked his face.

"No, I want to go. I can do this. I want to." He sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than me.

Listening to his voice cracking as he begged me to take him to the one place he was utterly terrified of, it felt like my conscience was being dragged in opposite directions. Do I take him there, or just drive us back home where he is safe?


I sighed and sat back in my seat, closing my eyes to avoid looking at the shaking man next to me, because I knew I would ignore his wishes completely if I did.

"Okay, okay." I pulled back out onto the road and continued our drive to the centre.

Arriving at the centre was a pleasant surprise. The building looked clean and modern, normal looking people and happy hybrids walking in and out of the front doors. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

I got out of the car first, running around to the passenger side to help my shaking hybrid out.

"Hey look, all the hybrids coming out seem fine!" I tried to reassure him.

He just hummed in response as we walked closer and closer to the entrance. It reminded me a lot of when I took Jungkook to the vet.

Going through reception and getting led to Jun's office just seemed like a blur. All I could really focus on was Yoongi. I noticed some of the fur from his tail still stuck on his hoodie, and it made me shiver.

Even sitting at the desk as Jun greeted us and explained what our options were, I tried so hard to concentrate on what he was saying but all I could think about was how to get Yoongi home as soon as possible.

"So if you're happy to proceed, I'll just get you to fill out some more details on the iPad here."

The device was pushed across the desk to sit in front of me, and I meekly picked it up. I read through the terms and conditions after Jun left the room to let us discuss and read. The letters seemed blurred and I wasn't sure if it was because I was stressed, on the verge of crying, or if I finally needed to get glasses. Maybe all of the above.

"Are you going to sign it?" Yoongi broke me out of my trance.

He seemed more calm than me now. I guess signing this didn't really lock us into anything. It was just proof that we had read the terms and conditions and understood what was explained to us.

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