"Yeah, they are, um... on earth 2. Except--"

"Except we don't have the angel tablet anymore." Cas says, cutting Sam off.

"No, we don't. But we do have the demon tablet." Sam says, uncovering the tablet that's on the table.

"We thought it might mention the spell as well because it too is the word of God." Cas says.

"And since you speak God, we figured it was right up your alley. So, give it a swing." Dean says.

"These glyphs are nearly impenetrable." Donatello says.

"Great. Um... is there anything we can get you or, uh--"

"Chicken wings." Donatello states.

"Excuse me?" Dean asks.

"Chicken wings. Heavy lifting like this requires real brain fuel. My analysis of the half lives of the 33 arsenic isotopes -- about, oh, 25 buckets." Donatello says.

"Cas, you alright?" Sam asks as the angel winces in pain.

"It's angel radio. A vessel was found last night, mutilated." Cas says.

"Wait... who's killing angels?" Donatello asks.


"So, Ketch, can we trust him?" Cas asks, the guys back at the bunker and they're all sitting at a table in the library. Athena is sitting on Sam's lap.

"Not even a little." Dean says.

"Of course not, but we need him. For now." Sam says.

"Right. And when we don't?" Cas asks. Dean cocks his gun.

"Guess." Dean says.

"Donatello, you're doing great. It looks like you made a lot of progress." Sam says.

"It's like pulling fucking teeth!" Donatello screams. Athena whines, cowering into her dad, tears welling in her eyes.

"Thanks, dude. Thank you." Larissa sarcastically tells the prophet.

"Hey, it's-- you're okay, baby." Sam comforts, hugging Athena, rubbing her back.

"I'm working my way through the ingredients." Donatello quietly says.

"Right. Okay. At least we know the spell we need is in there. And we have a plan." Sam says.


Larissa is in the room she's been sleeping in when Sam and Dean walk in.

"What? Thena okay?" Larissa asks.

"Yeah, yeah, she's fine." Dean assures. "You two are staying in here until he apologizes."

"What?" Larissa asks.

"No, I'm not-- I'm not dealing with passive aggressive comments or avoidance any longer. You guys were doing good, we're not going through another almost divorce because you two don't talk soon enough. You aren't leaving this room until you make up."

Dean walks out, shutting the door. Sam walks over and tries to open it.

"Dean!" Sam yells.

"He locked us in?" Larissa asks.

"Dean!" Sam yells.

"It stays locked!" Dean yells through the door and they hear him walk away.

Larissa sits on the bed and Sam sighs, sitting at the end of the bed, not wanting to get too close to her.

"Well, he said you apologize, so..." Larissa says.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Lissy, I... I'm sorry. Really. I... I was stupid and-and, yeah, I was kind of in a dark place, but I'm... I'm not really anymore." Sam says.

"So when you're happy, you love me, but when you're down in the dumps, our marriage is meaningless?" Larissa asks.

"No. No! No." Sam shakes his head. "I didn't... I never said I didn't wanna be married to you."

"You didn't say you did." Larissa counters.

"I know." Sam softly whispers. "And I'm sorry. I... I was stupid and-and, yeah, I was kind of in a bad place. I didn't... I should've just answered you instead of avoiding it."

"So?" Larissa asks and Sam looks at her in confusion. "Do you regret it? Us?" She asks. Sam's heart cracks at the anxious look in her eyes at him saying that he does.

"No." He softly answers. "No, I don't regret it for a second. I never have and I never will." He promises, sitting right in front of her.

"So do you wanna let me go like you told Donna to with Doug?" Larissa asks.

"No. No, I've been stupid enough to let you go before, and I am never letting go of you again." Sam tells her as Larissa lets him cup one side of her face.

"Even though if we never met... you wouldn't have lost a child?" Larissa sadly whispers. Sam's shoulders deflate, his eyes saddening.

"I'm so sorry." Sam whispers. "I never should've said that. Not-- especially not like that. I... it hurt to say and-and I was just... I was trying to get you off my back. Which isn't an excuse and it was really cruel and I'm sorry. I hate that I said it because it hurt you and-and it hurt me, too, I... I'm really sorry."

"But if we never met, we also wouldn't have the sweetest, kindest, cutest, smartest little girl in the world." He continues. "Who looks up to her mom more than anybody else."

"No, she doesn't." Larissa softly argues.

"Yes, she does. That girl idolizes you." Sam states and Larissa scoffs, shaking her head. "Lissy, you're her favorite person on this earth. I'm a close second, but you're first. She's a total mama's girl. You're an amazing mom."

"And I know that you don't always think the same, but you are. You'd do anything for her and you love her more than anything else. I know you have that nagging little voice in your head that says you're not good enough... and I absolutely hate myself for contributing to that after the whole Gadreel thing. But you're the best mom I know. You put her before everything."

"Plus, we've both taken her into dangerous situations, so we both have made shitty parenting decisions sometimes and we officially have no right to judge the other." Sam says and Larissa weakly smiles.

"You're a pretty great dad." Larissa quietly says.

"And you're an amazing, super patient, generous, and understanding wife to an incredibly, unbelievably stupid husband." Sam says.

"You do have your moments." Larissa says and Sam smiles.

"So... can I kiss you?" Sam asks.

"Only if you're certain you're in this little marriage thing for the rest of our lives... and you don't wanna let go."

Sam smiles a little, leaning closer and kissing her, his one hand still cupping her face while he uses his other hand to hold himself up. They kiss for a few moments before pulling away.

"We might be sleeping in here tonight. Dean's probably either drinking or asleep." Larissa says.

"Yeah. Well, that just gives us the whole night to reconcile." Sam says and Larissa softly laughs.

"And cuddle? Cause I am super tired, so we can reconcile in our dreams." Larissa says.

"Yes. All the cuddling." Sam nods, getting under the covers. Larissa wraps her arm around him, resting her head on his chest, and Sam holds her close to him, playing with her hair.

"I love you... more than anything... next to Athena." Sam tells her.

"Ditto." Larissa says, tapping Sam's nose.

""Ditto"? That's all I get?" Sam asks.

"Think of it as one last payment before you're officially forgiven." Larissa says and Sam lets out a short laugh.

"Yeah. Yeah, I can work with that." Sam says, placing a soft kiss to her forehead.

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