Chapter 98

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"What's this Paroxetine hydrochloride tablets?" Lisa read aloud the prescription name on the box. When she turned it over and read the prescription instructions and what it treated, she was stunned.

"Take it that auntie is begging you. Please go take look at Yeonjun". Mrs. Choi was like grasping at straws. "He likes you so much".

Lisa was unable to believe that Yeonjun had depression. In her mind, he was still that pure and innocent teenager. Though he did not like to speak, he was someone who loved smiling. When he smiled, an adorable dimple would appear on his face. On the ice, he was like a beautiful butterfly with unfurled wings, brimming with life and grace.

How could someone like this have depression?

Lisa was temporarily unable to accept this new. At the same time, she was a little doubtful as well. Thus, she said, "I can visit him but I'm not a psychologist".


For the competition on Tuesday, Jungkook and the team were going up against the Snow Eagles, an experienced ice hockey club in Beijing. It was said that there was someone extremely rich backing this club. Though they might not be one of the top clubs in Korea, they were definitely richest.

The Snow Eagles had quite the following on their home ground. The night of the competition, the stadium was packed. Whenever the Snow Eagles were falling behind, the local fans would yell Jungkook's name.

Don't be mistaken, they were not Jungkook's fans. They merely wished that the "disgrace of Bright Dauntless" could go up more and ruin his team's tempo, allowing them to take back the field.

This was a humiliation.

Lisa was beyond upset herself as she sat in the spectator's stand. She could not imagine how Jungkook felt.

The competition lasted over two hours and the Bright's spirit was under constant attack. However, they managed to withstand the pressure and won in the end.

When Jungkook came back, it was some time past 10 pm. Their hotels were only one street away from each other and he went to Lisa's hotel to find her.

They strolled hand in hand in the streets for a while. Lisa originally wanted to tell him about Yeonjun. However, seeing his exhausted expression, she changed her mind and hugged him instead.

Jungkook still had the energy to joke around. "Around planning to reward me?"

Thinking back on the humiliation at the ice stadium earlier that night, Lisa felt aggrieved on Jungkook's behalf. But this was out of her control and she wanted to help him disregard that nonsense. Thus, she leaned into his embrace and rubbed her head against his chest. She said, "Jungkook, you can do it".

Jungkook thought of something and ruffled her hair. He let out a soundless sigh.

When Lisa returned to her hotel room that night, she scrolled through her conversation history to find Yeonjun. When she clicked in, she discovered that they last texted during Chinese New Year. The last messages that they sent each other were New Year greetings.

It had been so long and what she knew of him now was all from the news. She wondered how he was doing.

Lisa texted him: "Are you there?"

The chat showed that he was typing. After a long while, he replied with a simple. "Mm".

Lisa: "I'm in Beijing. Are you free tomorrow? Want to meet?"

Yeonjun: "Sure".


Originally, Jungkook and Lisa had arranged for her to take the same flight back as him and the ice hockey team. However, in the morning, Lisa sent him a voice message.

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