Chapter 49

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For two days straight, Mrs. Choi attended two dinner parties. The first dinner party was with the RCU figure skating team. The other was with Coach Yang, the province team's coach and management executive, and also the Winter Sports Administrative Center's management executives.

Yeonjun was like an exhibition piece that was hauled along by his mother. Being a quiet person, he would not initiate conversations on his own. He mostly stayed silent unless someone asked him a question.

The management executives praised him for this "composed" and "dependable" demeanour. Everyone's mouths were glib and full of flattery.

It made Yeonjun felt exhausted.

At the end of the dinner party, Mrs. Choi and Yeonjun returned to school together. After getting off the taxi, Yeonjun walked Mrs. Chou back to the Conference Center Hotel where she was staying at.

On the way there, Yeonjun asked Mrs. Choi, "Mom, I have something that I don't understand".


"Why am I signing on with the club team instead of entering the province or national team like others?"

"The club team is not as restrictive and we can have more control over certain decision. However, it's still important to build a close relationship" Mrs. Chou replied. She was in a good mood and looked at her son with a warm and loving gaze.

There was one thing she omitted in her reply. Entering the national team would bring numerous benefits but also subject Yeonjun to being controlled by others. Allowing other people to have a say in what her son should do was something that she would never allow.

After answering Yeonjun, it was Mrs. Choi's turn to ask him a question. "I have something to clarify as well".

"Go ahead, Mom".

"Yeonjun, do you currently have a girl that you like?"

Yeonjun nodded without hesitation. "Mm".

Mrs. Chou was displeased but did not show it on her face. "Is it that Lisa Manoban?"

Yeonjun kept silent and looked down at his feet. After a while, he raised his head and looked at her. "Mom, did you contact Lisa privately?"

Mrs. Choi was startled by his question.

The docile look in Yeonjun's eyes faded and he began to express hurt instead. He looked at her and said, "Lisa has been ignoring me. What exactly did you say to her?" His tone was slightly sharp a he asked the question.

Mrs. Choi was extremely irritated but pretended that she was innocent and stunned by his words. "What did I say to her? You should be asking her what she said to me. I merely asked about the two of you and got lectured by her instead. Tsk tsk tsk tsk, she rattled off like a gun and didn't even leave me a chance to speak".

Yeonjun was shocked for a moment but swiftly followed with a shake of his head. "Lisa is not someone like this".

"Are you saying that I'm lying instead?"

"Ah? That's not what I meant...."

Mrs. Choi slowly took a deep breath. She watched him and said solemnly. "Yeonjun, I'll admit that I don't like that girl. But that's not important. What I want to tell you is that no matter who the other party is, you cannot get into a relationship now. Do you understand?"


"Because you must focus on your professional career for now. Your sole goal and dream is to be a world champion nothing else matters. It's not that I'm restricting your freedom because I'm your mother. Think of the massive amount of energy and money that everyone in the family has invested in you for the past few years. Do you understand how high everyone's expectations for you? It's not just our family. Do you know how much others have invested in you as well? Right now, you don't represent yourself. Your life not fully either. Your dream doesn't being to you alone", Mrs. Choi said with one breath. Towards the end, she became slightly agitated and spoke rapidly.

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