Chapter 66

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After Lisa finally finished explaining the incident, Principal Manoban had few more new doubts.

"Who sent the photos? And what's their motive?"

"You've finally reached the key point. Based on my in-depth analysis, the person who sent these photos should have also been misled by them. By sending you the photos, he wanted to make you angry and prompt you into breaking up Jungkook and me of course, there's completely nothing between the two of us".

Principal Manoban felt that kids these days were quite scheming. "Who wants to break up the two of you?" After asking this, he added in his heart, I really have to thank him.

"How will I know". Lisa shrugged exasperatedly. "There are so many people who have a crush on me".

"You know everyone who has a crush on you?"

"I don't. Jimin told me".

"Jimin has a crush on you as well?"

"Him? Nope, he is like a tiny chick who likes sticking to people. I'm a big bird".

"What in the world...."

Principal Manoban felt like a wool ball had been stuffed into his brain after listening to Lisa. He gathered and stacked the photos neatly before putting it back onto the coffee table. He concluded, "I believe you. But you're not completely innocent in this matter. Next time, you're not allowed to mess around with a boy in public. You don't even know when someone has taken advantage of you. You're a girl...."

"So what If I'm a girl?" Lisa was slightly disgruntled. "It's always the female's fault when something happens".

"I'm not blaming you. It's simply that society measures girls against a higher standard. Whenever anything happens, it's always the girl who loses out. Let me ask you, when these photos were released, everyone was mainly scolding you....right?" As Principal Manoban spoke, he began to get angry again. This time, he was furious as the his precious daughter had faced unjust scolding.

"All right, things were exactly as you said". Seeing her father's frustration, Lisa edged a little closer and tried to sound him out, "Don't be angry. I have a good idea".


"How about I succeed in chasing after Jungkook and make those people die from anger?"

"Don't you dare!"

Met with her father's rebuff, Lisa slinked off gloomily to the ice rink.

That right, she received a message from Jaehyun. The next day was his birthday and he was inviting classmates over for dinner. He asked Lisa if she wanted to go as well.

Lisa sent him a red packet and replied: "I won't be going. You guys have fun. Happy birthday in advance!"

Jaehyun did not accept her red packet and sent her a red packet of his own instead.

Jaehyun: "Appearance fee".

Jaehyun: "Will this do".

Jaehyun: "Help me ask Jimin if he he wants to comes as well".

Lisa was one who bows to gentle persuasion and not intimidation. She was unable to continue rejecting him willfully after he invited her in such a deferential manner. She asked if Jimin would be going and after knowing that she would not be there, Lisa agreed to his request. As she had already let go of the past, she could now face Jaehyun with an even and indifferent attitude.


The people that Jaehyun invited for his birthday were classmates whom he was closer to in high school year one. Lisa headed over with Jimin. The two of them were embarrassed to go empty-handed and had prepared a gift. Lisa was much more at ease as Eunha was not there. She reminisced the past  with everyone else. High school was a strange period. Though life at that time was dull and monotonous, they had astoundingly vivid memories of what had happened. Each and every day then was mundane, and yet deeply etched in their minds the experience of youth itself was nothing to speak of but was able to stir up profound nostalgia when one looked back.

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