Chapter 58

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After they finished eating, Jimin and Jungkook considerately helped to load the dishes into the dishwasher.

Lisa washed a few apples and crunched on one as she commanded them.

Jimin said, "Boss, will uncle and auntie get a shock later when they come back and see that we've emptied the fridge?"

Lisa pursed her lips, "They won't be coming back today".

Jungkook's brows rose when he heard this and he thought of how this brat was afraid of ghosts. Though he was willing to stay and coax her to sleep, it was not guaranteed that he would not be kicked out.

Done with the chores, Lisa sat in the living room and watched the TV. Jungkook sat down beside her and reached for the remote control.

Then, he browsed through the channels until he found one that was broadcasting Go matches.

Still gnawing on her apple, Lisa tossed him a side glance, "Stop being pretentious, silly child. Do you even know how Go is played?"

Jungkook used the remote control to point at the screen and started explaining the strategy board game to her.

Lisa was not sure if his explanation was accurate. In any case, she did not understand a single word and it felt like she was communicating with an alien.

Go was a slow game and after Jungkook explained it patiently to her for a while, Lisa began to yawn. "All right, I know how amazing you are now. Can we change channels already...."

Jungkook was extremely obedient. He clicked away at the remote control in his hand and switched to a fishing channel.

This was the first time Lisa discovered that the TV has a channel that specializes in fishing. A man stood by the riverside, the fishing rod he held barely moving. In the background, a dubbed voiceover prattled on and on about the technicalities. Rather than a TV channel, this was a PowerPoint presentation wasn't it?

"Now, let me share with you the mechanics of fishing", Jungkook said.

Lisa plonked her body back against the sofa, raised a leg and pretended that she was going to kick him. "You just don't want me to watch TV, do you?"

Jungkook caught her ankle and put it down slowly, "Stop fooling around".

Lisa, "...."

Perhaps due to his strength, she felt a sense of oppression from being entrapped when he caught her ankle. She also felt a tinge of embarrassment out of the blue.

That was weird. Lisa scrubbed her cheeks and shook his hand off in silence. She did not say another word and turned to concentrate on the TV.

After a short while, she dozed off.

Jungkook lowered the TV volume, put down the remote control and moved over. He leaned over Lisa and waved his hand in front of her eyes. Her breathing was even and her long black eyelashes did not move at all.

He bent over, intending to carry her up. Jimin was finally unable to continue watching in silence and voiced an objection. "Hey, what are you trying to do my boss?"

Jungkook felt that Jimin was too noisy and gestured for him to shush. He then explained softly, "She afraid of ghosts".

A look of realization appeared on Jimin's face. Jungkook thought that Jimin was going to comment something but instead, he suddenly lowered his head, his fingers swiftly tapping out a message.

Jimin: "Jungkook worried that my boss is afraid of ghosts and can't fall asleep. So he's coaxing her to sleep before leaving!"

Chaeyoung: "Alright, this is something that I can't do. I'm afraid of ghosts as well. The wretched consort gets 1 point".

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