Chapter 65

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The next day, Lisa returned home with numerous food. There were salted duck meat, beef tendons, frozen wontons and even braised quail eggs. Her grandmother had even taken out the remaining precious pumpkin glutinous rice cakes that she had saved, and like a salesperson, insisted that Lisa took two back. Lisa tried to refuse helplessly.

Mama Manoban was at the hospital and only Principal Manoban was at home. He was reading a military magazine. When Lisa entered the house, Principal Manoban glanced at her for a brief moment. Before Lisa could see him doing so, he quickly shifted his eyes away and pretended to be deeply engrossed in the magazine.

Lisa stuffed the food into the fridge. When she entered the living room, she merely glanced at her father. Both father and daughter did not intend to be the first to speak.

Then, Lisa picked up the pair of skates that she left behind in the living room yesterday night and prepared to leave with her bag. Principal Manoban could not hold it in anymore. He blurted to her leaving figure, "Where are you going Little idiot?" His tone was odd, a little awkward and stiff from being caught between the need to be stern and being unable to fully steel his heart.

"I'm going to elope with Jungkook", Lisa said.

Principal Manoban gave an unamused smile. "Go head. After you're gone, I'll use your dowry to buy a pig farm. Raising pigs is so much better than raising a child. It's less worrisome and I even have meat to eat".

Lisa turned to look at her father and said gravely, "Dad, you can put down anyone in the world expect for me".


"I was brought into this world and also raised by you and mom. If you put me down, it's equivalent to putting yourself down, and oh, also equivalent to putting mom down".

Principal Manoban snorted, "You have wonderful skills to accusing people of imaginary crimes". As he spoke, he put down the magazine in his hands. "Tell me what exactly happened?"

Lisa put down the skates and spoke as she walked over, "First, thanks you for giving me the chance to explain myself. I hope that as we continue this conversation, both of us will be able to keep our cool and trust in each other".

"Fine, fine, quickly explain what happened".

Lisa sat down and said, "Dad, do you remember how I once injured my head while picking up tree branches as a child? Jungkook was there as well".

Principal Manoban's eyes drifted as he attempted to remember the incident. After a while, he nodded and said, "I remember it. After seeing a magpie's nest in the tree, you were very envious of it and wanted to build yourself one as well, which was why you went to collect tree branches....I didn't remember wrongly right?"

Lisa: "...."

"I also remember that your mom had to probe you for half a day before you were willing to confess what had happened". Principal Manoban's face was extremely perplexed as he shook his head. "Can you tell me what in the world were you thinking. A human living in a bird's nest? should I call you a birdman instead?"

"Cough". Lisa was very embarrassed. "Let's, let's not sweat the small stuff".

"Mm, continue your explanation".

"That incident left a scar and Jungkook still remember it. That day, he only wanted to see if the scar was still there. It just happened that someone took a photo of us when he was pushing back my bangs".

At this pint, Principal Manoban felt that something was fishy, "How could things be so coincidental?"

"You don't understand. Jungkook is famous at our school. Here, I'll show you". Lisa spoke and fished out her phone. She clicked into the account 'Jeon Jungkook's Gossip Information Counter' and showed it to Principal Manoban. "Look at the number of views".

Principal Manoban swept his eyes over the articles and felt that universities these days were comparable to the chaotic Jianghu. He pointed to a phrase that caught his eyes and asked Lisa, "Why is everyone in school called him "Golden Ice?"

"That...." Lisa scratched her neck and her eye brightened suddenly. "Say the first thing he cane do both when it comes ice skate and studies is he is very good, and more over just say his name loud. say it fast".

"Jeon, Jungkook". Principal Manoban nodded. "Oh I see".

"That's why there's always people secretly taking photos of him. I was implicated by him".

Principal Manoban pondered over this for a while and asked, "So are you together with Jungkook or not?"

"No way!" Lisa quickly waved her hands.

Principal Manoban grumbled, "Pressing a girl whom has no relationship with into the ground in broad daylight? He is not a decent fellow".

Lisa thought, what a coincidence, I'm no, either.

LOL I think Lisa is Ready for love but she don't want Romeo coz she only want Bunny LOL



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