Chapter 20

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The next day was Saturday.

Jungkook attended a commercial event affiliated with Bright Club in the morning. It was the opening ceremony of an Ice rink. That rascal wore a suit and tie, looking suitably impressive with his true nature hidden. Most athletes looked good in suits. After all, their years of training have resulted in bodies with nice builds and defined muscles. When immaculately dressed in a proper suit, they appeared both striking and attractive fully capable in inciting a riot.

By right, regardless of how well he played Jungkook was only a member of the school ice hockey team. He had no obligations to attend such events. However, Bright Club especially enjoyed showing him off. He was extremely good looking and whenever he appeared dressed in a suit, people would be trying to find out which young male idol this person was. This brought the club management great relish.

Lisa tagged along as well. She was the grime-covered assistant in-charge of taking care of Jungkook's things, running his errands, and looking on as others shone and appeared polished in the spotlight. It was a lonely spot at the bottom while everyone else basked in the excitement.

When they headed back, Jungkook called a cab. Both of them sat in the back seat. Lisa could smell a light cologne scent from his clothes. She felt a wave of envy and resentment.

"Wolf in sheep's clothing", she sourly muttered.

Jungkook took off his blazer and threw it over her head.

Lisa was completely covered. She huffed out a "hey" and tugged down the blazer. Her head reappeared. "Are you looking for a beating?"

"Help me to hold it". Jungkook said while loosening his tie.

The loosened tie slanted slightly to the side. Together with the V-shape neckline of Jungkook's shirt gaped reveal his neck and part of his collarbone, it gave Jungkook an air of languidness that was rarely seen on him.

The sunlight streaked in through the car window, shining on half of his face and shirt. The shirt was blindingly white under the sunlight, calling to mind the lithe and elegant wings of a white dove in flight.

He seemed to be unaccustomed to the sun shining on him and twisted his head. Facing Lisa, he coincidentally saw her looking at him.

Jungkook raised a brow.

"You really look like Pig". Lisa said.

Jungkook drank some wine earlier. He was a little tried and did not have the energy to bicker with her. His eyes slid close and he fell asleep.

Initially, he was still on proper behaviour. However, after falling asleep, his head gently nodded several times before finally landing on Lisa's shoulder.

Lisa disdainfully pushed him away. However, it did not take long before he leaned his head back again.

This happened again and again. Lisa smacked his head.

He was deeply asleep and did not appear to have sensed anything.

As a result, Lisa could no longer be bother with him.

Jungkook's chest rose and fell evenly. Lisa could feel it through the area where their bodies were touching. She suddenly thought how one of Jungkook's fan club member once mentioned that every day, Jungkook diligently went to bed at 11 pm and woke up at 6 am. He had to juggle both his studies and ice hockey, and also occasionally make time for practicing cello. His schedule was always tightly packed, causing him to be as exhausted as a dog.

Lisa used to be an athletic herself. She knew how difficult and remarkable this short of extreme self-discipline was.

Therefore, even though she detested him, Lisa was still able to acknowledge the great effort and strong will that he had to do so.

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