Chapter 46

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Strictly speaking, a long, long time ago, Lisa and Jungkook once held a wedding.

It was a marriage of convenience.

It happened in primary 2 and took place in the later half of the school year.

Back then, a snack called "The Great Zodiac War" suddenly took the school by storm. It was a snack made from puffed rice and its novelty came from how it was shaped into the twelve animals of Zodiac. Thin and crispy with a hollow center, every piece was a savoury crunch. There were two flavours available: barbeque and tomato.

Besides being delicious, the snack's appeal came from the collectible cards that it came with. Inside every packet was a Zodiacs, a person could exchange them for an amazing toy set to show off to their friends.

Countless children were obsessed with collecting the full set of cards, causing them to spend all of their pocket money on the Zodiac snack.

Lisa caught onto the craze as well. She diverted some of her attention from Kinder Joy's to the Zodiac snack and "invested" a hefty sum of money into it.

Jungkook also found the snack appealing. However, as his allowance was always surrendered to Lisa, he could not afford it himself and had to ask his parents to buy it for him instead. Fortunately, his father's friend bought him an entire carton of "The Great Zodiac War" after hearing that he liked it. Every day, Jungkook would bring and open a packet in school.

The collectible cards in "The Great Zodiac War" were not evenly distributed. The rarest card was the rabbit card. There were several classmates who had collected all eleven cards expect for it. In fact, nobody in the entire school could complete their collection due to the rabbit card. The redeemable toy set in the school convenience store collected dust as the older students began to wonder if the rabbit card even exists.

One ordinary afternoon, in the midst of the ongoing suspicions, Jungkook opened a packet of "The Great Zodiac War" as he did every single day.

Then, from the packet, he fished out a rabbit card.

The whole class was in an uproar. Everyone jostled to Jungkook's side to see the white rabbit card. A classmate prodded his shoulders to ask when he was going to redeem the toy set.

Jungkook was about to answer "right after school" when he turned and happened to see Lisa glancing enviously at the card in his hands. He immediately changed his mind.

There was no rush.

The following few days, Lisa exhausted all possible means in order to obtain that precious card from Jungkook's hands.

Jungkook had long hidden the card well.

She was like a donkey trailing after a dangling carrot he held. Though Jungkook suffered in her hands, he took secret delight in thwarting her.

One day, Lisa heard from her parent's conversation that two people's assets were shared after getting married. This meant that if she and Jungkook were to get married, he must take out his rabbit card to share with her.

The next day, Lisa rushed to hold a wedding with Jungkook.

The marriage officiant was Oh Sehun.

Looking at a piece of paper, Sehun, "Jeon Jungkook, are you willing to be with Lisa Manoban and share with her all your snacks and allowance, and not leave her no matter how poor she is or how terrible her exams results are?"

"I'm not willing" Jungkook said.

Sehun turned to look at Lisa. "Lisa Manoban, are you willing to be with Jeon Jungkook and share with him all your snacks and allowance, and not leave him no matter how poor he is or how terrible his exams results are?"

"I'm not very willing either...." Lisa voiced her honest thoughts.

Sehun said, "I now pronounce you husband and wife".

Lisa waved her hands, "Okay, time to collect the wedding gifts".

From snack and coins to stationery and toys, she proceeded to collect various types of gifts.

In the end, Lisa still did not manage to obtain the rabbit card from Jungkook. However, she was satisfied with the numerous wedding gifts that she had received.

After that incident, holding mock weddings to receive wedding gifts became very fashionable among the lower primary students. Principal Manoban had no end of headaches over this trend and lamented the creativity of children these days in coming up with devious ideas. Luckily, his Lisa did not participate in such nonsense.





A long, long time later.

Jungkook was in the midst of tidying up his old items when he found a card on the bottommost shelf of his bookcase.

On the card was a white rabbit tinted a faint yellow with the passage of time.

Jungkook sat cross-legged on the floor as he recalled a storm of memories stirred up by the card.

He sat there for a long while, till Lisa's call came in.

"Jungkook, what are you doing?"

Jungkook turned the card clasped between his fingers, a gentle and warm smile on his face as he looked at it. "I discovered our very first asset after marriage".

"....Lunatic" Lisa could not make sense of his words.

Jungkook stood up. "I'll head over to find you now".

"What for?"

Jungkook chuckled, "To fulfil my obligation as a husband".

There childhood chapters are always cute

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