Chapter 88

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In her busiest years, Lisa did not have time to go on dates with Jungkook.

It was not only dates. They rarely had time to even meet. They spent time together mostly through video calls. Seeing each other through camera lens with the help of the internet. When the internet was bad, their images would be pixelated.

"I feel like I'm watching some sketchy pirated movie" Lisa complained.

Jungkook chuckled, "I can perform something even sketchier for you".

"Get lost...."

After this went on for some while, Lisa had the sensation that Jungkook was a pet she reared in her phone instead of an actual person.

Until one day, she discovered an unknown side to this pet.


The story began from a private message coming from a fan whom Lisa was familiar with.

Edelweiss: "Lili, I don't know whether I should tell you something I discovered".

Lisa replied with a question mark and tossed this incident to the back of her mind. When she logged into Weibo a few days later, she discovered Edelweiss's latest messages.

Edelweiss: "Jungkook may be cheating".

Edelweiss: "This is the woman's Weibo account. When we compare her profile photo with Jungkook's, it's obvious that they're two halves of the same photo. It's a couple photo set! Look at the latest photos she posted. It's clear that she was at Jungkook's hotel and had been to Jungkook's club. Oh, and also, Jungkook was in Harbin during Valentine's Day, right? She was at Harbin as well".

Edelweiss: "I don't know what to say. I was so angry when I saw it. I don't want you to be upset but I feel that you have the right to know the truth. I hope that you won't be upset! That dog doesn't deserve you!"

Lisa clicked into the Weibo account. She scanned the latest posts and found out that, indeed, this person's itinerary was highly similar to Jungkook's. The language used was coquettish, suggesting a young girl head over heels in love.

Lisa's heart sunk but she was unwilling to believe that Jungkook would do something like this.

That moment, Jungkook's video call invitation came in coincidentally. Lisa sucked in a deep breath and accepted it.

When the call connected, Jungkook immediately detected that Lisa did not look well today. Her lips were downturned as she looked at him with heavy eyes.

Jungkook felt that something was wrong. "What's up with you?" he asked.

"Jeon Jungkook". Lisa was never one to hide things in her heart. She questioned him directly, "Who is 'Rock Sugar And Pear Stew?'"

Jungkook never thought that Lisa would discover his Weibo side account. He parted his lips and was about to speak. However, when he noticed Lisa's strange expression, the words froze in this throat.

Why is Lisa angry? Did I say something that I shouldn't have in the side account?

When Jungkook recalled the various ridiculous things he posted in his side account, he also felt that it was indeed....quite embarrassing....

When he thought of this, his gaze wandered and a hint of guilt appeared on his face.

Lisa's eyes reddened when she saw how guilty he looked. She gritted out. "By staying silent, are you admitting to it?"

Jungkook felt that the situation was odd and Lisa's reaction seemed too extreme. Seeing how furious she was on the screen, he panicked and blurted. "I, I, I, I, I can change".

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