Chapter 3

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Lisa's birthday was coming up. She informed Jungkook a week in advance and told him to prepare a gift.

Jungkook did not intend to intend to spend any effort to celebrate this fellow's birthday. He initially planned to fold a paper plane and present it as a birthday gift.

However, that day, he saw fake spiders for sale at the supermarket. The fake spiders were made of plastic and the size of a soup bowl. Their dark and lifelike appearances were enough to send tingles down one's spine.

Such a disgusting item was very suitable to be used to disgust a scoundrel.

As a result, Jungkook secretly bought a spider and even spent an additional two Yuan for the shop owner to wrap it up nicely for him.

While wrapping the spider, the shop owner asked, "Who are you giving this present to?"

Jungkook pursed his lips and honestly replied, "My deskmate".

"Oh, is your deskmate a boy or a girl?"

"A girl".

The shop owner passed over the wrapped present and concernedly warned. "Kid, if you this to a girl, I'm afraid you're going to get beaten up".


Lisa began to impatiently tear open the gift the moment Jungkook gave it to her.

Her stood at the side and silently observed her facial expression, anticipating the moment she turned pale with fright.

Lisa revealed a face of surprise upon seeing the spider. She stroked the back of the spider with her fingers and said, "I almost thought it was real and jumped up from shock".

Jumped up from shock....Why not you really jump for me to see....

Jungkook was disappointed. He asked, "Aren't you afraid?"

"Not at all. My mother said that all animals are afraid of humans".

Jungkook found Lisa mildly terrifying.

During lunch, Lisa the spider down Jungkook's back. When the two of them reached the canteen, other children started crying from the fright and they almost caused a stampede.

Their parents were even notified because on this incident.

When Mrs. Jeon heard what happened, she felt extremely incredulous. On the way back home, she asked Jungkook, "Are you daft, it's birthday present for a girl and you chose to give a spider? You're going to end up single for the rest of your life being like this".

Jungkook's mood was gloomy and he stared blankly out of the car window.

His journey to get even with Lisa was way too arduous.


In the beginning of November, Lisa welcomed the school event that she loved, loved the winter excursion.

This year, the location of their autumn excursion was Mount Lu that was in the suburbs. Mount Lu overlooked Lu lake park and was in actual fact only a small hill. There were numerous apple tress planted on this hill. Every autumn, the whole on this hill. Every autumn, the whole expanse of the hill would be strewn with bright red apples that seemed like thousands of small lanterns, looking exceptionally beautiful. Thus, locals also commonly referred to Mount Lu as "Apple Mountain".

Since the excursion location was Apple Mountain, the planned activities would definitely include watching apples being picked by the farmers. It was also reportedly said that they will get to personally pick some apples if they were obedient enough.

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