Chapter 25

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Lisa asked Chaeyoung with a sweet smile, "Chipmunk do you know what Jungkook's greatest weakness is?"

With an equally sweet smile, Chaeyoung replied, "I know what all men's greatness weakness is".

Lisa: "...."

Chaeyoung's appearance always made Lisa overlook the fact that she had a huge rogue disguised by her side.

Lisa: "I am very curious to know just what exactly have you experienced in the past".

Chaeyoung shook her hands, "It's a looooooong story still I'm Innocent boss".

However, the "Weakness" that Lisa said was not the "Weakness" the Chaeyoung in mind.


A few days later, Lisa asked Jungkook to meet her in a secluded corner of school. This place was originally an experimental field belonging to the old agricultural science building. It was later abandoned and converted into a small garden planted with numerous maple and peach trees. Autumn had painted the maple leaves the colors of flame. The ground was dotted with patches of vibrant green weeds and yellow daisies. Looking ground, the view was actually quickly pretty.

It was a bright and sunny day. Standing in this scenery, anyone's skin would look especially god. Jungkook saw Lisa's face and felt that this brat was not as dark as before.

Lisa's hands were clasped behind her back. She gave Jungkook a friendly smile. "Little Kookie~~~~" Her tone was especially cheery.

Jungkook's scalp tingled. He rapped his knuckles on her head. "Get to the point".

Lisa's head was knocked askew but she did not get angry. She maintained that bright smile on her face and said, "It's your birthday today".

"Mm". Jungkook did not expect Lisa to remember his birthday.

"Here" She stretched out her arms. "Your birthday present".

Jungkook lowered his gaze and saw that in her hands was a box. It was a light purple square box that was the size of the palm. He lightly raised his brows and remembered that many years ago, he had also once given her a birthday present.

It was a really, really disgusting present.

Jungkook did not move. One side of his lips lightly quirked. "You're that kind?"

"Absolutely. You're the one paying my wages after all". Lisa winked at him. "Opened it and see what's inside?"

Thus, Jungkook took the box and opened the lid.

Inside the box was a pink silkworm.

The silkworm was fat and meaty. Perhaps because of hunger, it did not stop wriggling. The silkworm climbed along the side of the box and looked as if it was about to escape any moment.

Jungkook felt like vomiting. However, his face did not reveal any of his inner thoughts. Keeping a stoic face, he closed the lid and with a casual flick of his hands....

The box landed neatly in the rubbish bin by the side of the path. It rattled the empty bin with a dull thud.

The reaction was vastly different from what Lisa had anticipated. She remembered that caterpillars were Jungkook's greatest fear. She had been hoping to subdue him with caterpillars....

"You...." She pointed at the rubbish bin. "Did you manage to see clearly what was inside?"

Jungkook crossed his arms and looked at her. A wry smile tugged his lips. "Have you heard of caterpillar phobia clinics before?"

"....The heck is that?"

"They specialize in treating people with caterpillar phobias. I've completely recovered".

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