Chapter 63

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When Jungkook reached home, he found his parents still awake.

The living room lights were adjusted to dim. The two of them sat in the living room and the atmosphere suspiciously felt like they were conspiring something.

From the very moment Jungkook appeared, his parent's eyes had not left the pink dinosaur in his arms.

"It's a gift", Jungkook explained.

"From whom?" Mama Jeon asked.

Jungkook did not answer.

Mama Jeon tried again in a more subtle manner. She asked, "Boy or Girl?"


Jungkook did not want to take the dinosaur back into his room. He put it on the corner cabinet in the living room instead.

Then, he bade goodnight to his parents and headed upstairs. There were some things which he needed to think about in silence.

After their son left, Mr and Mrs. Jeon stood shoulder to shoulder in front of the corner cabinet and stared at the dinosaur.

"He's lying". Mama Jeon suddenly spoke.

Papa Jeon patted her shoulder. "No matter what our child decides, we need to respect him. The most important thing is that he's happy, right?"

Mama Jeon straightened up. "Quit drinking after Chinese New Year".

"All right...."


Lisa's Chinese New Year eve was spent in a manner that was spent in a manner that was unprecedentedly peaceful. She went to her grandparent's house for reunion dinner before watching the New Year's Gala with her whole family. Halfway through the program, she fell asleep.

Principal Manoban woke her up to go back to her room to sleep.

Lisa was sleeping peacefully and a little grumpy at being woken up. She made her way back to her room half-consciously. When she slipped under her blanket, she thought, if it was Jungkook, he definitely wouldn't have wakened her and would have carried her back in without saying a word.

Ah, what was she thinking....

Lisa's phone was left in the living room and rang non-stop with notifications. Finding it a little annoying, Principal Manoban switched it to silent mode.

The next morning, Lisa saw numerous missed calls after walking up. It was obvious that those calls were made to convey New Year's wishes.

She returned the calls one by one.

The first was Park Chaeyoung.

"Hey, Chipmunk, Happy New Year! Have you seen the red packet that I've sent you?"

"I've seen it, thanks, my king! eh, My King...."


"You and Jungkook....Cough, I mean Jeon Jungkook hasn't been bully you recently right?"

"Nope, he's rarely triggered these days. I feel that he'll soon be won over by my personal charm".

"Ah, My King! You've finally realized it?"

"Of course. I feel that it won't be long before Jeon Jungkook joins my grand team of lackeys".


"Be good. Don't fight for my favour. He actually has an older qualification than you".


The second was Park Jimin.

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