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Fairytales were created to teach us life lessons and morals lasting through time and being passed down from generation to generation. Some people say that fairytales aren't real because magic doesn't exist, but they are wrong. Real life might not consist of glass slippers and pumpkin carriages, but it does contain love, laughter, and companionship. Those things are the real magic. Love transforms us, teaches us, comforts us, and inspires us. A laugh can instantly change sadness to happiness lightening your heart. Companionship gets us through struggles and pain. How could anyone say those things aren't magic?

Life is never going to be perfect no matter who you are, where you come from, or how much you have or lack. Life is messy, but surrounding yourself with good people can get you through anything. It is the wonder of love, laughter, kindness, loyalty, trust, and understanding that get us through the struggles that we all face in this big, imperfect world.

Y'all have seen me go from playing Cinderella to falling in love with a real life, handsome prince. Is our relationship perfect? No. No one's is. Relationships are hard work. They require love, communication, trust, loyalty, understanding, laughter, selflessness, compromise, and patience. When you find that right person, those things do seem to come a little easier though. There will always be peaks and valleys. There will always be laughs and tears. The good times can outweigh the bad, and smiles can come more often than frowns by realizing that the real magic in life is the people we get to share it with that make us smile more.

I told Jax the other day that life was just like football. We win some and we lose some no matter how much we practice and prepare. Even the greatest of all time never win every single game they play. It's okay though because when we lose, we get the opportunity to self assess, learn, and grow. He laughed at me at first because he knows me and knows what a perfectionist I am in addition to how competitive we both can be, but he then sat down beside me and thought about what I said. It sparked great conversation between the two of us about our businesses and our relationship. Discussions like that wouldn't happen if there were only victories and no losses.

I have had several of you send and comment questions for a life update, so here it is. Jax is really enjoying being a football commentator and working on making commercials for his endorsement deals. He is teaching Cowen all things football and has even said he is going to coach his peewee football team next Fall. He is the best dad I could have ever asked for for our children. He helps with homework, bedtime, getting up if one of them is sick or has a bad dream, and everything in between. Jax is also a rock star in the role of husband. I never could have dreamed of a better partner, lover, soulmate, and best friend.

Bri and I opened the second location of her coffee shop in the tiny downtown of Leiper's Fork, and it is doing a booming business. The line I helped design with Free People is flying off the shelves thanks to y'all, and I am thrilled that y'all love the pieces like you do. There will definitely be more to come. Jax and I also have a couple of upcoming projects we are working on together which is exciting and nerve wracking all at the same time as all new business ventures are. Stay tuned...

"That looks like a successful post," Jax said with a kiss to the top of my head setting down coffee from Bri's on my desk as he joined me in the office.

"It feels good to get it out and posted because I feel like I have been neglecting the blog a little with everything else going on. Thank you for taking the kids to school this morning so that I could get it done."

"You don't have to thank me for taking our children to school, but I can think of many ways you can show me how much you appreciate it," he teased.

"I look forward to hearing all about those as soon as I check my email and see if a contract came in," I smiled as I scanned my inbox stopping suddenly at an unexpected message.

I opened it feeling the anxiety creep in as I read the words on the screen. Jax came back over and put his hands on my shoulders concerned as to why I suddenly got quiet, so I looked up at him and motioned for him to read the words on my screen.

"What do we do?"

"I don't know, baby."  

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