Chapter 7

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The week was a whirlwind. I posted twice as much as normal on my social media and produced two blog posts instead of my typical one a week. I felt super productive, but I also knew I had intentionally kept myself busy so that I wouldn't overthink about dinner tonight at Jax's place.

I stood in Bri's enormous closet clad in a satin robe as she scoured her racks determined to find me the perfect outfit.

"Bri, we are having burgers at his place not going to a Michelin five star. Why are you obsessing over this more than I am?"

"You are going to his place for the first time. Alone. No interruptions. No excuses. No need to rush home or come home tonight at all," she insinuated with a mischievous grin.

"No ma'am! There will be no sleepovers tonight. There will be no sex tonight. We are not rushing this, Bri."

"Don't lie to me. You have thought about having sex with him. Every woman in the world has thought about having sex with him."

"Just because I've thought about it doesn't mean it is going to happen."

"Would it be so bad if it did?"

"Well...No...Yes...I don't..."

Bri just looked at me with her half smirk that clearly declared her victory over the conversation. "Blair, he likes you. You like him. He calls you every day, which is a miracle in itself from a man. There is nothing wrong with taking this to the next level. You are two grown ass adults."

"I just don't want to rush things. Is that so wrong?"

"You are just afraid of ending up another notch in his bedpost. Admit it."

"Fine. I am. Plus, it's been so long, Bri. What if I'm not...good at it anymore?"

"Girl, please! You are a southern belle! Everyone knows we are the best in bed. Here it is!"

Bri turned around triumphantly holding an extremely low cut, deep hunter green, thin sweater that appeared heavenly soft.

"I like it, but what goes under it?"

"A Free People bralette or nothing,"she teased.

"Bralette it is!"

I grabbed a bright white one from her large collection, knowing it would be a nice pop with the deep hue of the sweater, and threw it on with a pair of perfectly distressed Old Navy skinny jeans before combing through Bri's impressive shoe collection.

"Go with the nude Louboutins. They dress up the jeans."

"Aren't stilettos a little overkill for burgers? What about tan Tory flats?"

"Put on the heels before I smack you."

"Fine. Anything else? Does my hair and make-up pass inspection?"

"Yes. Are you waxed and polished? Does your underwear match the bralette?"

"Yes, and no since I didn't know I was wearing it. It doesn't matter because no one will be seeing them."

She just threw a white lace thong at me then pointed for me to go change, and it was easier to just do what Bri told you instead of facing her relentlessness.

"Can I go now?" I asked as I walked into her bedroom after changing my undergarments.

She stood back and appraised my outfit, hair, and make up one last time.

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