Chapter 15

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Jax was still sleeping soundly when I woke, so I slipped from the bed taking his no longer cold ice pack back down to kitchen after putting on a pair of his boxers under the t-shirt. Jax's parents were already awake and making coffee, and I knew Leena was still asleep because I checked in on her before coming downstairs.

"How did he do last night?" Ann asked.

"He slept good which he needed. He said the ice helped, and he didn't seem to be in horrible pain."

"Thank you for taking care of him. I know he is not easy to deal with when he is hurt."

"I understand though. Jax is strong and determined never wanting to seem weak or have to ask for help. I get that way too sometimes."

My phone rang right then, and it was Bri saying that she was coming up the elevator with breakfast.

"Good morning," she whispered.

"Bri, you didn't have to do this."

"Hush. I brought lots of superfoods and stuff for a recovery smoothie that I know Jax likes after hard workouts. I also brought fresh coffee, apple turnovers, and some extra clothes for you, B. How is he?"

"You are amazing! He is still sleeping. He seemed to rest well through the night and didn't appear to be in too much pain."

I heard Leena begin stirring up in her room and went to check on her as Bri laid out breakfast. "Good morning, Leena."

"Is Daddy okay?"

"He is. He is still sleeping which is good for him because rest will help him get better. Bri just got here with some breakfast. Are you hungry?"

Leena shook her head yes and reached her arms out for me to carry her. She and I checked in on Jax, who remained sound asleep, before heading back downstairs. I sat her down in a seat at the table and turned cartoons on with the volume down as Bri brought over some breakfast for her while I poured coffee for myself.

"Leena is very taken with you, Blair. You are good with her," Fred remarked.

"She is so sweet. I want to get to know her at her pace though and not overwhelm her."

"We appreciate that. I've seen too many try to force a relationship with Leena or fake one to impress my son," Ann added with an evident look of distaste for such actions.

"That is a definite no in my book. Children are not pieces in a game or tools to be used to your advantage."

"My wife and I agree with you," Fred commented as he looked over his newspaper.

Bri joined us picking up her own coffee that she brought with her. "Blair, why don't you let me and JB get the kids from school, and then, we can swing by, pick up Leena, and take the kids to dinner. That way you can be here with Jax. Momma E, Mr. E, y'all are more than welcome to come with us."

"That sounds lovely, Bri. That will give Jax some quiet too."

"Yeah, Bri. That would be great because I can see the kids. I miss them."

"JB and I can keep them tonight and get them school tomorrow too. We want to help."

"What are they helping with?"

We turned to see Jax making his way down the stairs on his crutches trying so hard to make it look easy while I tried not to run over to him making sure he didn't fall, but he made it down and over to the couch incident free. I got a new ice pack from the freezer and a cup of coffee for him. "Bri and JB are going to swing by later with my kids to pick up Leena and your parents for dinner."

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