Chapter 14

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I got to the airport ready to see my baby girl. I had a stuffed unicorn in hand and smiled as I saw Leena run toward me, and I scooped her up pulling her in tight. "My girl! I missed you!"

"I missed you too, Daddy!"

"I brought you something," I told her as I put her down and handed over the unicorn.

She snuggled it close wrapping her small arms around it as I looked up and saw my parents catching up. "Hey, Mom! Hey, Dad! How was the flight?"

"It was good. Leena drew you some pictures."

"I can't wait to see them and put them on the fridge."

"How's the knee?"

"The knee is fine, Dad. How's business?"

"We're making it."

I helped Dad gather the bags and got them all loaded in the car. He and I talked football as usual in the front seat while Mom helped Leena name her unicorn in the back. It was good to finally have them back with me.

Once we got home, Leena sat in the living room floor playing with some new toys that Blair helped me pick out while I began to make dinner and talked to Mom and Dad who were sitting opposite me at the kitchen island.

"So tell us about Blair. I'm excited to meet her."

"She's great, Mom. I've never met anyone like her. She is supportive, kind, smart, creative, beautiful, and, best of all, she loves me for me and not for my job and the fame that comes with it. She challenges me in all the best ways and makes me want to be a better man and father. I love her."

"You look happy, Jax, and I have a feeling Blair has everything to do with that. For that alone, I already like her."

"You will love her, Mom. You will too, Dad. She is ambitious, determined, and not afraid to get her hands dirty. Literally, she helps me do dishes when we cook and everything," I laughed.

"She sounds great. Have you met her family?"

"I have. Her mom is probably one of the kindest people who would do anything for anyone, which is where Blair gets that quality. Her dad is nice too. He seems a little stubborn and set in his ways, but he loves his family."

"What about her kids?"

"Her kids are awesome. Cowen is so funny. He is a little tiny thing and reminds me of myself when I was his age. Hadley Grace is incredibly smart and can tell me facts about history and stuff that most adults don't know. I went with her to pick them up from school today, and we told them that we are dating. We couldn't have asked for a better reaction, and I hope Leena will be that excited too."

"Be excited about what, Daddy?" she asked as she came over to see what we were doing.

"I hope you will be excited to play with Emelise tomorrow along with two other kids that you haven't met before."

"Who are the other kids?"

"They belong to a friend of mine that I want you to meet."

"What's your friend's name?"

"Her name is Blair. She is good friends with Emelise's mommy and daddy."

"I bet she is nice because Emelise's mommy is nice and makes good cookies."

"Blair is very nice. We are going to her house tomorrow for lunch. She has a big playroom and a fun swing set that you kids can play on."


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