Chapter 8

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I woke to my alarm and didn't want to move to turn it off because my arms were wrapped around Blair's naked body, but I reluctantly threw one hand behind me and hit the button on the third try. I still couldn't believe the night we had just had. Sex with Blair had been better than I had ever imagined it would be. The feel of her lips and tongue on my cock and her petite, toned body on top of me and underneath me was like nothing I had ever experienced with any other woman but even that didn't compare to the feeling of being inside her. I knew after that first time that I would never get enough of her, and with thoughts like that, I was ready to have her again, especially as she stretched awake and arched her back placing her ass right against my cock.

I let her stretch enjoying the feeling and then pulled her in closer as I began to kiss her neck. "Good morning," I whispered.

"Good morning. What time is it?"

"6:00. Do you have to take the kids to school?"

"No; JB is. What time do you have to fly out for the game?"

"8:00. So that means that I have at least an hour with you before I have to leave," I replied as I turned her in my arms, kissed her on that perfect, full mouth, pulled her leg up over mine, and slammed into her showing her what I wanted to do with that hour. She was wet and ready fully on board with my plans for the morning.

After a quick joining in the bed and a shared shower that turned steamy not having anything to do with the water temperature, I leaned back against the bathroom counter after pulling on my dress pants and watched Blair pile her wet blonde hair up onto the top of her head wanting to remove her towel and have her one more time before we both had to leave. I settled for just giving her a kiss not wanting to come across as a man who couldn't control himself.

"Are you heading to the coffee shop to help Bri?"

"I'm going home to change clothes first. No way am I showing up in last night's outfit and enduring more questioning than I will already have to deal with."

"Maybe you should keep some things here so that you don't have to go all the way home when you stay."

Blair's eyes went wide as they always did when I said something unexpected, but I just laughed loving to surprise her like that every once in a while. "You heard me right. This will not be the only time you spend the night. If I have it my way, we will have many sleepovers," I told her earning a blush and a smile from her in return.

"Jax Elliot is asking me to leave a toothbrush and some clothes at his house? Who are you, and what have you done with the ladies' man thirst trap?" she asked with sarcasm evident.

"I've matured into one who only wants to be Blair Sullivan's man and thirst trap. Seriously; I want you and only you, Blair."

"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" she teased.

"Hell yes I am," I answered kissing her once again.

"I think I can handle that title, but does this mean we have to tell people now?" she worried.

"That is still up to you. I have an interview this afternoon, and they will ask if I am seeing anyone because they seem to care about that more than football. What do you want me to say?"

"You can say you are seeing someone without saying who can't you?"

"I can do that, but I want everyone to know that you are mine, Blair."


"Without a doubt!"

She got quiet for a minute, and I could almost see the wheels in her mind spinning. I put my hand on her cheek, and she leaned in to the touch.

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