Chapter 28

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It was late in the afternoon on a warm, end of June day, and the California sunshine felt wonderful as Blair and I lounged on the tanning ledge of the pool while the kids swam. We had been out here for almost a month and had settled in the new house thanks to lots of hard work on Blair's part furnishing the house here and the sprawling farm in Nashville that I knew she loved best and that I think I preferred as well surprising me a little. Leena was finally with us making our family feel complete. My heart was full as we spent days hanging out and eating dinner together every night. Blair's mom had come with us and was kind enough to babysit one night a week at least for me to take Blair on dates showing her some of the places I loved most in California.

My knee was fixed and healing nicely with the help of physical therapy three times a week. I still wasn't certain what I was going to do about next season but knew the deadline for that choice was looming. I had been having long talks with my agent, my orthopedist, and, most importantly, my fiancee who looked extremely distracting in her black bikini with her skin tanned to perfection. JB and Bri were flying out for a visit, and I was looking forward to getting his opinion on my returning or retiring as well. I decided to put my debating on hold until then and take advantage of Blair's exposed skin as I got up from my lounge and went to sit beside her kissing her shoulders and neck. "The children are present," she teased.

"I know," I replied as I continued my journey with my lips.

"You are trying to distract yourself from making a decision aren't you?"

"Guilty, but you're such a good distraction," I smiled with one last kiss on her perfect, pink lips this time.

"Do you think your hesitancy to decide means that you really aren't ready to give it up?"

"I wish I knew. I want to talk to JB and get his thoughts."

"That's a good idea. I can't wait to see Bri!"

"I know you've missed your best friend. Other than that, are you enjoying California?"

"I'm enjoying being with you," she beamed brighter than the Cali sun itself. "I like the lack of humidity, the cool air at night, and our house, but I'm a southern belle to the core," she shrugged.

"I'm happy that a southern belle could fall for a west coast guy."

"Who would have thought," she laughed. "What I like most, besides being with you, of course, is that Leena is with us. It makes everything feel whole. I'll admit though that I was nervous to meet her mom and about what her reaction to our engagement would be, but it all turned out fine. She's nice."

"We get along and co-parent pretty well most of the time which is good for Leena's sake. I think it also helped that she is in a serious relationship with some international business tycoon."

Leena swam over to us at that moment and climbed onto the lounge. "Blair, when is Emelise gonna be here?"

"Tomorrow after lunchtime. Are you excited that she is coming to visit?"

"Yes! We are gonna have a slumber party every night in my new room."

"I'm excited she is coming too."

"Because you and her mommy are best friends."

"That's right. What do you kids want for dinner tonight?"


With that, she was back in the pool off to rejoin Cowen and Hadley Grace. The three of them were getting along really well and enjoying their time together. I loved having them all here showing them where I was from and appreciated that Blair truly was making an effort to enjoy California.

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