Chapter 5

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After a thorough interrogation on Saturday morning about my date with Jax, Bri and I began to gather everything we needed for the Wildcats Tailgate. The kids were playing with their friends who frequented the coffee shop on Saturday mornings for breakfast giving Bri and I the ability to check off everything on our lists efficiently. We enlisted their help at the end to take non-perishable items to the adorable food truck that Bri used for events but hated driving.

"That's everything. I'll meet you here in the morning to prep food before we leave. My parents are going to bring the kids to the game later. Does Em want to spend the night so she doesn't have to be there all day with us?"

"That would be fantastic! I'll bring her over later."

The kids and I spent the rest of the day at home enjoying the beautiful hint of fall weather as they played outside on their swing set while I worked on my blog and talked with my mom on the patio before watching the Bulldogs play.

I couldn't help but smile when Jax called me that evening while I was starting dinner. "Hi."

"I was trying to play it cool and not call you first thing this morning like I wanted to. I couldn't wait any longer though."

"We're too old for games, Jax. If you wanted to call, you should have called."

"Noted. How was your day?"

"Fine I guess. Bri and I prepped for the tailgate, and now I'm making dinner. What about you?"

"Nothing special. Typical pre-game routine. I just got settled in my hotel room."

"JB hates having to stay at the hotel the night before a game instead of getting to be home with Bri and Em."

"I understand that feeling. I'd much rather sleep in my own bed the night before a game. I talked to him a little while ago. He was getting in one more workout, and Bri is gonna make him dinner before he heads over here."

"How are you feeling going into tomorrow's game?"

"Pretty good. The team has worked hard in the pre-season, so we are as prepared as we can be."

"We're all excited and will be there cheering y'all on. Cowen has decided to sleep in his Jax Elliot jersey because he says it is good luck."

"We'll take it!"

"I'm going to finish making dinner so that I can get to bed. I have to meet Bri early for food prep before the tailgate. I'll see you after the game."

"Sounds good. Goodnight, Blair."

"Goodnight, Jax."

I sighed with a goofy grin spreading across my face because I had almost fully convinced myself that he wouldn't call. Maybe Jax Elliot really was going to surprise me.

Bri and Emelise walked in stirring me from my thoughts. "He called! I can tell by the look on your face. I knew he would!"

"Hi, Bri. Come on in," I said sarcastically since Bri hadn't knocked before coming in since the day we became best friends, which was just fine since she had always been family.

"Where's Em?"

"She ran straight to Hadley Grace's room. Thanks again for letting her spend the night."

"Anytime. How's JB feeling about the game?"

"Same as always. He is in the middle of his post bedtime workout. You know he has a schedule," she laughed.

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