Chapter 10: Scott POV

Start from the beginning

I limped through the rubble, trying to avoid the burning wood and furniture. Then I saw her. She was laying, motionless, on her back. I dropped to her side. Her clothing was singed, and her face was covered in the black ash from the explosion. Blood dripped from her forehead and collarbone and had started to soak her waist. I had to pat out the fire on her clothes and on one of her wings. The axe tear Pearl had made in the leathery skin stretched across it had opened up again as well.

"Come on Erin, stay with me here..." I muttered as I checked her pulse. She was alive. For now.

I stood up and raised both my hands, exhaling slowly, like Erin had taught me to do and a wave of frost and ice covered the wreckage, putting out all the fires. I crouched down by Erin again. I slid a hand underneath her back and lifted her up carefully. She fell completely limp in my arms.

I needed to get her help. I didn't care if we were both wanted. We needed Katherine.

I held Erin close to my chest as I flew us to the Overgrown. Thank the gods that Hyacinth was close. As soon as I landed, I banged on the door to her castle as if my life depended on it. Mine didn't. But Erin's did.

Katherine opened the door. "Wha- SCOTT!" She shrieked. Then she saw Erin. "WHAT THE-"

"Shut up you're going to cause a scene." I hissed.

"Where have you two been!?" Katherine demanded.

"That doesn't matter right now. Help her." I said desperately.

Katherine looked to Erin's still body to my face. I knew she couldn't refuse someone in need. Even if it was Erin. "Fine. Get her in here." Katherine opened the door a little wider to allow us in.

The crystal seemed a little obnoxious after all the ice and stone of the cave. She brought me to the lounge, and I placed Erin gently on the couch while Katherine went to grab her medical bag. When she came back, she checked Erin's heartbeat and pulse. Then she placed a small, padded device, similar to stethoscope on her temple.

"She'll live." Katherine said. "If she doesn't bleed out. She needs serious medical attention."

"Then give it to her." I snapped. Katherine looked up in surprise.

"What happened to you?" she breathed. "First you almost kill Gem, then you disappear without warning and now..." she looked around at the icicles already hanging from the ceiling.

"Trust me. I didn't ask for this." I said flatly.

"What even happened to her?" she asked.

"Fwhip. He trapped her old place. When she opened the door, it blew up in her face." I said angrily.

Katherine pursed her lips before she sighed. "We're going to have to transfer her to the hospital. I'll need help from the nurses."

I nodded before I picked her up. We quickly made our way to the hospital. Everyone got out of Katherine's way, and she gestured for a couple nurses to follow her.

We got to an empty hospital room, and I laid Erin on the hospital bed. Katherine hooked her up to vitals and she began to quickly instruct the other two nurses, informing them of the problem. I could barely hear the words coming out of her mouth; she was talking so fast.

I paced the length of the room as they began to clean out the blood and ash from her wounds. A snowfall had started, not unexpected. Especially because I was panicking by butt off.

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