Chapter 9: Erin POV

Start from the beginning

"Like, after the king?" I snorted. "Imagine, my middle name, Pandora. Oh god I would kill myself."

Scott laughed. "You two are the opposite of our late parents. Heaven and hell, am I right?"

"Kicking two out of three kids doesn't seem like heaven to me." I mumbled and my face slid out of its smirk.

Scott's face fell. "Oh, right. Sorry." He muttered.

We stood there in awkward silence for a moment before I slid into a seat and began picking at the cake again. "So, when's your birthday?" I asked.

Scott sat down next to me. "November." He shrugged.

My mouth fell open. "Your birthday was four months ago, and you didn't tell me?" I asked and elbowed him in the ribs.

"Ow. I didn't think it was that important." He said and glared at me, massaging his side.

"So, your 21 now?" I asked.


"Huh. In the human kingdoms you can go to adult prison now." I snickered. Scott rolled his eyes.

"How have I lived with you this long?"

"I have no idea. You're the first person to deal with me this long."

We sat at the table for a while and ate the cake while we joked around. After a little while Scott had taken to staring down at the table. He seemed a little more depressed than usual.

"What's up?" I asked him.

He looked up at me. "Nothing, just-" he had started to say, but I saw something bright flash in the corner of my eye. It consumed the entire room and I fell off my chair. I heard Scott shout something in elvish and I screamed into my teeth in panic. When it finally reduced, I was propped up on my elbows on the floor, and there was a glowing figure, standing there. I swear I had seen him somewhere before.

It was hard to make out his features thanks to the light, but I saw silver hair, bright golden eyes, strange markings on his face, and two golden antlers, just like Scott's. He was an least I think he was.

"Scott." He said sternly.

Scott was standing up now and he was staring at the man in absolute shock. "Who- How- how did you find us? Who are you?" he stuttered.

"I think you know." He said, his eyes narrowing the slightest bit. Not quite a glare, but not a friendly look either. He had his hands folded behind his back formally. The glow made it impossible for me to look at him directly. If you had asked me afterward to describe his features better, I wouldn't have been able to.

Scott's eyes doubled in size. "Aeor." He whispered. Hold up.

I scrambled to my feet. "Wait. The Aeor? I thought you were a giant deer." I sneered.

Scott gave me a warning look, but I ignored it. Aeor turned his gaze to me. "You did, did you?" his eyes narrowed even more as he looked me up and down. "Well, you thought wrong Phoenix." His manner wasn't rude or unfriendly, more, stern and regal.

"Erin." I snapped. "It's Erin."

One of his eyebrows raised. "Is it now? I could have sworn they named you Phoenix." I couldn't tell if he was mocking me or not.

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