Chapter#9 :Concerned

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Imagine that the person you care about, trust, and love is holding a gun to your head.
How would you react?

As Alexander waited outside the emergency room's operating theater, the President, Jake, and Aly entered the room.

"How is Lilly doing now, and what really happened?" the President asked.

"Lilly was shot by someone, and I'm not quite sure how she's doing now. Doctors are still in the operating theater," Alexander said while holding back his tears.

"I have a hard time understanding how you could be so reckless. I promised Wilson that I would look out for her," the President said.

"You made a commitment to Mr. Wilson. Look, kid, there are a lot of things you don't know, but we must first deal with this situation."

When the doctor emerged, he declared that "Lilly was safe. She remains unresponsive."

"I want to talk to the patient's husband, please," the doctor said.

"That's me. Is there anything to be concerned about?" Alexander asked.

"The thing is, the bullet slightly touched her uterus, so it will be hard for her to be a mother and also in her menstrual cycle. It won't be easy for her, but I'm not saying she can't be a mother," the doctor replied.

"I fully understand. Please avoid mentioning this to her," Alexander said.

"Alright," the doctor said before leaving.

"What did the doctor conclude?" the President asked.

Alexander replied, "There is no need to be concerned; everything will be fine."

"And Aly!" the President called.

"Yes, sir?" Aly asked.

"I want you to put together the greatest team possible to look into this issue thoroughly before tomorrow morning."

"Tomorrow morning?" Aly replied in shock.

"Is there anything...?" Jake asked.

"Follow me, Alexander. I have all the solutions to your concerns," the President said.

"Should I consider myself in trouble?" Aly asked Jake.

"I guess so," Jake replied.

"Look, Alexander, you still don't know a lot of stuff. Wilson and I are still in contact and still friendly with one another. And I also know who the imposter is..." the President explained the whole thing.

"I can't believe it, this..." Alexander said. "The doctor is here, sir," Aly said.

"I'm Lilly's husband. What happened? Is everything alright?" Alexander asked.

"She is now conscious. The patient, however, can only be met by one person," the doctor said.

"Me? How will I meet her? I mean, I was in charge of taking care of her, and I didn't even do that properly!" Alexander said.

"Hey, son, certain things are beyond our control; we just have to accept it. You weren't entirely to blame for it. She simply went for a quick walk, and all this happened," the President said.

"Are you blaming her for all this? Are you serious? So heartless..." Alexander replied angrily to the President.

"That's not what I mean..." the President said.

"I should make a move first," Alexander said.

"This way, sir," the doctor said, leading Alexander to Lilly.

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