Tae: Good morning Jungkook. * deep sleepy voice*

Hearing his voice Jungkook looks at him.

Kook: Good Morning Hyung. *smiles*

Tae: Is Tae-Ha up?

Kook: Yes, She is with Jimin Hyung.

Tae: Ok can we talk.. I have something to ask you.

Jungkook looks toward Taehyung

Kook: What is it Hyung?

Tae: Tell me only if you want ok?

Kook: OK

Tae: Can I know about the Past? I mean You were having a Nightmare last night. did something happen in the past?

Kook: I-I... no

Because of Taehyung's question, some flashbacks start to play in Jungkook's mind making him nervous.



Lucas: I am now done with you so you can leave from here.

Kook: I don't have anywhere to go Please don't do this with me . I'll do everything you say

Lucas: But I don't want you now

Lucas pushes Jungkook towards the main door.

Lucas: and yeah, don't say anything to anyone about us. You know that early marriage is illigal right? If someone will know that you are already married and above that you also have a son they will file a case against you and police will take you to jail.

Eu-Jin: And you know that police never leave those people who do illegal things right? You see in news How police treat those who do wrong things. and you know you are doing the same right? What will happened to you, your baby?

Lucas It's right that I also did wrong I will also go to jail but think what will happened to your baby? He will also be orphan even he has his mama.

Eu-Jin: What will happened if everyone will get to know that he is the son of the person who is in jail... Everyone will bully him.

Kook: But I didn't do anything Hyung forced me... *low voice*

Eu-Jin: do you think They will believe you? Do you have any proof that Lucas forced you?

Jungkook shakes his head as NO

Lucas: So, I am telling you not to tell this to anyone hmm that is my kid too right? I also care for him I don't want my kid to get bullied so just keep your mouth close. Don't say anything about all this to anyone and go far away from here

Kook: I want my baby. I'll take him too

Lucas: If you will take him everyone will get to know about it.



Tae: JUNGKOOK......*shouts*

Jungkook flinches with sudden loud shout

Tae: You ok? You were lost somewhere... I asked you about your nightmare... you didn't answer me

Kook: N-nothing... nothing happened *left the room in hurry*

Tae: I know there is something which you are not wanting to tell... I can feel that.*sighs deeply*

Taehyung takes out his phone and calls someone


Tae: I want each and every details about Jeon Jungkook and his past till evening

???: Copied... The file will be in your hand in 4 hours

Tae: hmm

Tae cuts the call and left for doing his morning routine




Taehyung was in his cabin checking and signing some files when he heard a Knock in his cabin door

Tae: Come in

Someone enters in his cabin and place a file in front of Taehyung

???: Here is all the details you wanted to know about Jeon Jungkook

Tae takes the file and starts to read it.

???: You could at least say thank you for my hard work you know?

Tae: I'm not interested... you can get lost from

???: I did so much hard work just to listen this... ahh * fake cry *

??? goes from there and Taehyung again starts to read the file again.


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