
After paying and tipping the technicians we had less than an hour to get ready before the start of wrestlemania Night 2

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After paying and tipping the technicians we had less than an hour to get ready before the start of wrestlemania Night 2. The nerves were getting to me now, and I gathered they were getting to Liv as well. We were in our hair and makeup chairs for about 30 minutes, though I was finished before Liv because my hair didn't need styling. I waited to get changed, putting off for as long as possible so I'm not thinking about it as much but once Liv was done we had to change into our gear.

Celeste gear:

Celeste gear:

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Liv gear:

It wasn't long until we were called out, my intro first

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It wasn't long until we were called out, my intro first. I went out with my hand over my mouth to show the Joker smile tattoo on my hand and waited the stage for Liv. I knew what I wanted. I didn't want to be the one pinning the champs, I wanted it to be Liv, I know it'd boost her confidence a lot and it was confidence she needed. We made our way to the squared circle, paying attention to the audience as we did so. I asked liv whether she wanted to fight first and she did so I took a step back and waited for the champions to make their entrance.

The second the bell rang Liv jumped into action, making Nia chase her while she built up momentum for a codebreaker that she managed to perform pretty much flawlessly. I watched the referee count liv's pin, making sure to build her confidence back up when Nia kicked out. The champion in the ring was pissed off now, and I knew that liv was gonna get a beat down, I thought for a moment and when Nia charged Liv into the ring post I tagged myself in and jumped off the apron. I knew Liv was tough, but this would ensure that we wouldn't lose quite yet. Besides the look on Nia's face when she realised the ref wasn't counting was priceless, I was now stood on the top rope, waving at Jax mockingly. I jumped at her, driving her to the canvas with double knees before hooking her leg, Shayna breaking up the pin with a running knee to the side of my face. I rolled away from the champions and crawled over to Liv for the tag, before I could even reach her Shayna had been tagged and was dragging me to the centre of the ring. I stood up and went to attack her but was stopped by  her grabbing my wrist and twisting it until my back was pressed against the canvas.

I immediately began to panic, I wasn't quick enough to move out of the way and her pressure was too strong on my hand for me to pull away from her

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I immediately began to panic, I wasn't quick enough to move out of the way and her pressure was too strong on my hand for me to pull away from her. I did however have the flexibility to  throw myself into a backwards roll and relieve the awkward position in which my arm had been placed. After I had rolled back she knew I wouldn't be that hurt, it caught her off guard and with enough force I was able to pull my arm free from her grip. She retreated, contemplating whether to tag Nia back in but took too long in doing so, I ran at her, springing off the ropes and throwing her into an RKO, leaving her stunned and the audience completely shocked. I bought us enough time for my next move, I knew that from earlier I could carry Liv on my shoulders, so after tagging her I told her to climb the ring post and stand on my shoulders. I walked her over to Shayna who was just about on her feet now and she took a deep breath before flipping onto Shayna, sending her crashing to the floor. I had to stop Nia from interfering with the win, I ran at her, and without thinking jumped into a spear, driving both of us off the apron.

It honestly was the most pain I had inflicted on myself in a while, no e of us had moved, I couldn't, neither could she. I could hear commentary talking as I rose to my feet slowly. I was too injured to stand up properly at least for now, I needed a little more recovery time, so I propped myself up against the apron and watched Liv as she sprung onto the rope in an oblivion that connected. Tension rose as she rolled over Shayna, pinning her shoulders on the canvas. The count of three felt like a count of 300 but once it was over the realisation hit that not only had Liv got her confidence back but we were now the WWE women's tag team champions. I stood back up and practically dove onto liv out of excitement. It was crazy. The title belts we have had our eyes on for a while now were handed over to us as the announcer declared our new status. I pulled Liv back to her feet and we both simultaneously held the belts into the air, I looked back at liv and saw the sparkle of excitement in her eyes, she was a champion that deserved to be a champion. I was proud of her.

We left the ring just as Asuka's theme began to play, to which we both danced to. I had an idea in mind that would need us to be in our gear so I stopped Liv from leaving to change "just watch the match. I have something planned" I whispered to her, guiding her to a chair, she was confused but she had her trust in me so she listened and sat down, looking on at the screens as rhea made her way to the ring, Ash Costello singing her in....

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