"Hey Mason." Brody said.

"Why is she here?" Mason asked.

"Oh shit. I'm guessing you two know each other."

"We went to high school together." I piped in.

"High school sweethearts." Mason corrected me.

"Shut the hell up. No one asked for your opinion." I said, getting angry.

"Look, y'all needa chill." Brody interrupted our bickering.

"Sorry, I'll leave when I'm sure he's not going to go back to my roommate for seconds." I apologized.

"Not while you're there." Mason said.

"Good, I don't like seeing you."

"Someone explain the fall out! I need to know!" Brody screamed.

"She cheated." Mason said.

"He's an ass." I corrected.

"One at a time, please."

"She cheated not once, not twice. How many times was it? There was Blake, Ashton, Gavin, Grayson, Nick, Brandon. Who else am I missing?" Mason asked.

"Your mom." I replied.

"How immature of you Ivy." Mason said.

"Ivy?" Brody asked.

Shit. I stiffened, which they both noticed.

"Should of thought that one through..." Mason muttered.

"Um... In high school I called myself Ivy because my real name reminded me of my past, just like I now call myself..." I trailed off.

"Kitty." Brody finished for me.


"So what is your real name?"



After I told Brody my real name, I left and didn't look back. I just went to my dorm. I almost don't want to see him today. I didn't have my morning class with him, but I do have my afternoon class with him which is in an hour.

"You have class in an hour, go!" Valerie screamed at me as she came in.

"What was that? I can't hear you over me not caring!" I screamed back leaving.

I got dressed in a hot pink halter top with a high waist black skater skirt and a black leather jacket. For shoes, I had hot pink pumps and obviously my makeup was the usual. I dragged myself on campus and to my class.

I sat in Brody and I's usual seats and waited. After a few minutes, he piled in and hesitantly sat next to me.

"Uh, hey." He said.

"Hi." I replied before the professor came in.

The professor began and Brody didn't say another word to me for the rest of the class. One class turned into the next that turned into another. Then he just stopped talking to me for three weeks straight.


"Hey babe." I heard a voice say before I rounded the corner.

Getting suspicious, I checked who it was. It was a girl and Brody talking.

"Hey." The girl said shyly.


"Did you do what I said to?" The girl asked.

"Yeah, Mia, I ignored her." Brody replied.

"Good boy."

I rolled my eyes.

"He's not a dog." I said, walking around the corner.

"Fuck." Brody muttered under his breath.

"And who might you be?" The girl asked.

"I'm Bitch, and you're Loser. Nice to meet you, Loser." I replied.

The girl looked taken a back. She didn't expect that. Hell, I didn't even think I would say that.

"Okay then, Bitch. I know my boyfriend is not a dog, I was praising him anyway."

"So, Loser, you're the reason he's ignoring me?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Say it to my face that you don't like me. I'm right here."

I took steps toward her.

"Where did you hear I didn't like you?"

"I don't know, you tell me."

Brody cleared his throat, "Uh, Kitty, let's go."

"Okay. Bye, Loser!" I called out to Mia, following Brody.

Once we were far enough away from the place they were talking at, Brody spoke.

"What was that?" Brody asked.

I shrugged, "A little bit of this, a little bit of that."

"What am I going to do with you?"

"Hmm, I don't know, I'm thinking maybe not ignoring me?"

"We'll see..."

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