Now Italian is my prize class, I love it the most. The teacher is a male so I'm still stand-offish with him but I mean he doesn't seem that bad, when I got home on Tuesday I asked Alessandro if they did a background check on all of my teachers. He said that he did so I felt more at ease with him. We would talk throughout the lesson and if I got there early and just have conversations in Italian, most people had no idea what we were saying and the only people that knew anything only knew one or two words, so we could talk about anything. There was even one time when we started to list the people we didn't like in the class, It is always a pretty fun class.

And the rest of the classes, are just plain boring. Sure I'm doing good in them but they are just a waste of my time, I mean I could really do better things with my time than learning about the world wars and how to write poetry, both of which I never really need to know about.

Grabbing my phone from the nightstand, I instantly close my eyes from the blinding light, opening my eyes slowly I lower the light immediately so I can actually see. Finally being able to see properly I read the time 7 am not that bad if I do say so myself, personally I don't think I have ever slept that long in a very long time.

Getting out of bed, I walk over to my closet and pick out an outfit, knowing that I'm not going anywhere and I have nothing really to do I decide to wear something that is just comfortable but who cares it's just going to be my family.

Getting out of bed, I walk over to my closet and pick out an outfit, knowing that I'm not going anywhere and I have nothing really to do I decide to wear something that is just comfortable but who cares it's just going to be my family

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Finally getting the right clothes, it took me a bit to find a shirt that was going to cover most of everything but once I do I go straight into the shower and do everything as quickly as I can. It takes me less than 30 minutes and I'm all ready and covered fully. Grabbing my phone I decided to head into the music room, instead of going straight to the piano, I look at the instruments on the side.

There are so many instruments, almost every single one that you could think of, I stop looking at all of them when my eyes land on a guitar sitting on a stand. Walking over to it carefully I take it out of the stand and walk over to a little seat in the corner of the room, sitting down I pull up a video of how to play the guitar on my phone and after watching it a little bit I think that I've got it down mostly so I decide to actually try it out.

Setting my phone up on my free leg I play the video from the start and put my hands and fingers where they are supposed to be. The cords come up on the video so I start playing the cords In time with the music, it takes me a while- more like two hours but after I've got it I can play the first bit of the song quite well. I still stuff up a little bit but not as much as I did when I first started. Knowing that I have the first bit almost down packed I decided to try the next bit, in the song, there are really only like three different bits and they just play then over again.

After maybe an hour more I have both of the other parts down pretty well, knowing now that I know most of the song pretty well I decide to try and do the whole song all at once. It takes maybe once or twice for me to actually play them all together but I finally get it and I'm so freakin happy, I mean it took me like five hours to just learn one song and it's still not even that good but oh my god, I actually learnt how to play the song.

Deciding that I should probably give my hands a break I walk back over to the stand and place the guitar back onto it and then walk out of the room. Looking at my phone now it's almost lunchtime and I'm kind of hungry so I decided to just walk into the dining room to see if anyone is there and low and behold there is Lorenzo sitting down in a chair on his phone.

Walking up to him I take the seat next to him and just stare at the table wondering if I should actually ask him or if I should just go into the kitchen and get something. Breaking me out of my thoughts is Lorenzo speaking

"what's up Tesoro?"

(Tesoro- treasure)

"I was just wondering when lunch is going to be, I'm hungry and I don't know if I should just get food now or if I should just suck it up and wait for everyone else" I begin to ramble a little

"slow down, lunch will be in like five minutes so you don't have to wait that long"

"okay" I simply reply slouching down in my seat a little

True to his word soon all of my brothers are sitting at the table and the maids put food on the table, while walking away I give a small thank you and then wait for the rest of my brothers to finish getting food. It doesn't take long with the way they are trying to get food on their plates so fast.

We just sit and eat peacefully not really saying anything and just focusing on our food. That is however when my peace is destroyed by Alessandro

"Violet, with you, now living with us and knowing what we do especially you now helping with it you're going to need to learn how to protect yourself so I've asked the person who trained us to come and train you." Knowing this makes me feel a little bit happy I mean if I learn how to take care of myself I don't have to be as scared as people anymore

"Who are they and when am I starting?" I ask bubbling with excitement

"his name is Carlos, he was dads best friend" my heart sinks a little when he says it's a guy but knowing that he was friends with my father makes me a little bit at ease.

I mean look at how the guys turned out and dad brought them up, he was the one teaching them so it must mean that his company was just as nice as him, right?

"Don't worry violet, he's very nice. And you start tomorrow, he's getting in later tonight, so you'll meet him tomorrow as well and one of us if not all of us will be there with you" Alessandro says maybe seeing the emotions in my eyes

"Okay, do you know what time he'll be here?"

"All I'm going to say is, go to bed early tonight, you'll need it"

And with that they all go back to eating their food like nothing ever happened while I just sit there for a few more seconds just looking at all of them, knowing that they all know something that I don't but also knowing that I will probably find out tomorrow what that something is. 

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