Chapter 19: Case I [Adumfor Arc I]

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Willow, Mina & X parted ways as Willow walked away to one side, Mina & X to the other. UltraX & Mina found themself somewhere in the mall of Islamabad. They were in a clothes store...

UltraX: M-Mina we are side-tracking from our mission ya know...

As he said that, Mina comes out trying a beautiful dress.

Mina: Come on... We got time, jee... You are such a killjoy. Ya know when we travel to a new country, I wanna go shopping very well. Anyways how does the dress look on me?

Ultra looked at her as he was drinking his coca cola.

UltraX: Beautiful as always.

Mina smiles.

Mina: Thanks for being honest, dear. So can we buy this?

UltraX: Well fine by me, if you gonna wear it for the day.

Mina was actually happy, after 5 minutes... UltraX pays for the dress Mina wanted to the cashier and walks out of the clothes place, continuing to explore the mall.

Then they go to the food district of the mall, then they go and order 2 Pakistani soups, breads & meatballs... Ultra pays for the food and both of em go and put their food on the table and then sit down as they were ready to eat.

Mina: So before we start eating, did you find anything in the mall that looks suspicious around?

Ultra looked at Mina.

UltraX: Not really, it is too normal here... Why asking?

Mina: Well... I been getting this weird feeling we are being watched by someone or something ever since we exited the clothing store.

UltraX then wonders as he turns his head around to check around if someone is watching... Then he turns back and looks at Mina with a casual expression.

UltraX: I dunno... I do not sense anyone or a potential stalker, if I did... They will have a lot of explaning to do afterwards, once I catch em that is.

Mina: If you say so, anyways let us eat.

Mina and Ultra started eating their food...

Meanwhile with Willow, she was also exploring around the town looking for someone... She would find herself in a back alley near a locked backdoor and a bunch of trash, with a person who was being held on the ground by telekinesis... The person looked like a gang member of sorts that usually runs a big one... Willow then steps on that person's chest, as if she has no mercy and seems pretty pissed off.

Willow: Listen... Attacking me while I was drinking my tea was not very nice, especially from your disgusting manifestation, you fucking pervert!

Willow kicked the person on the face and stepped harder on the person's chest.

Willow: Now... Who are you?

Then the person started speaking...

Name: Yusuf Baqri

Age: 46

Infomration: Part of 2 Asian criminal gangs and runs a corrupt business in the city of Islamabad. (Pakistan) Due to him using his manifestation for "good duties." It leads him to have multiple charges of crimes for sexual assault, murder & abuse over the eyars.

Manifest: The storyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora