I've never visited her. But I can't say that, so I simply shrug. 

"It's fine. It takes time for people to heal." KEL told me.

"How's AUBREY doing?" I ask.

"She... started a gang. And acts like it's BASIL's fault MARI... you know...", Kel informed me, "BASIL's not ok. He gets bullied, and everyone acts like it's his fault. I'm worried he might make the same mistake MARI did."

"BASIL is suicidal?" I exclaim.

"You should talk to him." KEL says.

So KEL and I leave the house, and run into HERO. Literally. 

"Hey watch out!" He says, sounding annoyed. Then he sees it's me. "SUNNY! I'm so glad you came out!"

"SUNNY wants to talk to BASIL." KEL informs HERO.

HERO wanted to hang out with KEL AND HERO'S MOM, but he agreed to hang out with us later.

We go to the park to look for BASIL. We don't find him, but we do find AUBREY.

AUBREY has long, bright pink hair, and a teal ribbon in that hair. She looks older than 16, wearing a tight black crop top and oversized black sweater. She's holding a bat with nails, and sitting with a girl she's sharing candy with, and a boy smoking a cigarette. 

The girl eating candy lays her head on AUBREY. A small smile flickers across AUBREY's face, but then goes back to a half angry frown.

AUBREY pulls a gummy worm from the candy bag and holds it up to the girl's mouth. She bites it out of AUBREY's fingers. AUBREY's face turns a pink even deeper than her hair.

"That's AUBREY, KIM, and VANCE." KEL explains.

KEL and I walk over to AUBREY.

"Hey AUBREY, do you know where BASIL is?" I ask.

"Why the FUCK would I know?" AUBREY exclaims, standing up. 

"I thought you guys were friends?" I reply.

"Do you want to fight me? Cause I'll beat the shit out of you!" AUBREY yells at me.

"No, no. I don't think we need to do this." I tell her.

She bends down to kiss KIM, and then picks up her bat.

AUBREY swings her bat at me. After a couple of swings I pull out a knife and stab her in the chest.

"FUCK YOU!" she says as it starts to bleed.

KIM rushes to stand up. "AUBREY, I'll get you out of here, we'll go back to my house, ok?"

KIM picks up AUBREY and carries her, bridal style.

"Don't you think this is a tad excessive?" AUBREY says.

I don't hear KIM's reply as they walk away.

KEL and I start to head to BASIL'S HOUSE. 

We find POLLY there, who lets us in to talk to BASIL. We go into BASIL's ROOM. He's there, sitting on the bed. I sit next to him.

"Hey, there's blood on the edge of your sleeve." I point out.

"Sorry... I'm clumsy." Basil nervously laughs.

KEL shakes his head.

"I can see you KEL! I'm honestly just clumsy." BASIL instists. 

He then hugs me. His hair smells like flowers, and his sleeves feel fluffy and soft. He lets me go, and kisses my forehead. I hold his hands in mine. They're small and fragile, like him, and I can see scratches poking out from the sleeves. I look into his eyes and see they're filled with tears. A single teardrop runs down his cheek.

CoMari Au (Omori)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن