Chapter 9 - The Vampire Hunter

Start from the beginning

Damon's POV:
Damon watched as the front door slammed closed behind Elena. She had only paused infront of him for a moment but that second had been filled with tension and he loved it.

Striding to the living room a smile spread on his face. He was tired, exhausted even. But last night was a night he'd keep with him always.

Stefan looked at him tired. He knew Stefan and Elena were on rocky terms. Damon had been eavesdropping since Stefan came downstairs. And even though every part of his body was screaming it's your turn. You can steal her away from your brother now. Damon kept a neutral face and poured himself a glass of burbon.

Stefan was eyeing him suspiciously. "You heard that whole conversation didn't you?"

Damon blinked at him innocently. "What conversation?"

"Aha" Stefan said clearly not buying Damon's act. He took Damon's burbon glass from him and downed it before continuing.

"I know you think that this if finally your time to shine. And there's hope for you and Elena. But there's not. She chose me. It will always be me. Me and Elena always survive".

Damon blinked at Stefan creating an uncomfortable silence. He wouldn't admit it but the words Stefan said hurt. However, Stefan was only that insensitive when he felt vulnerable. This only gave Damon more hope

Standing up he faced his brother head on and smirked. "I wouldn't be so sure about that little brother". Then with a quick pat on Stefan's shoulder he left the room calling behind him. "I don't think she'll have a postive reaction when she finds you with your mistress".

He was about to slip out of view when an idea occurred to him. Turning around quickly he caught Stefan's eye and smirked. "And don't worry I didn't tell her what time you came home last night. Her visit to my room was way too exciting to bring you into the conversation. It would've killed the mood".

With that he vamp speeded out of there satisfied. Stefan's words had Stung. But Damon knew Stefan would be spending the whole day wondering what had happened in Damon's room. The ironic thing is, Stefan should really be wondering about what had happened in Elena's room.

Elena's POV:
Cursing, Elena jogged to the Mystic Grill, she was already 5 minutes late. Caroline would stake her.

As the grill came into view, it seemed oddly quieter than usual, and the lights were turned off inside. Thinking nothing of it Elena opened the door, making up a plausible lie in her head so that Caroline wouldn't have her neck.

As the door closed behind her she heard someone scream "arms in the air or I'll shoot". Elena jumped with surprise and mindlessly put her arms up in a defenceless gesture. The room was dark and she could barely make out 2 figure, one sitting the other standing pointing something that looked too much like a gun at her.

The standing figure turned on the lights revealing the vampire hunter and Caroline tied to a chair, duck tape on her mouth. Before Elena could help herself she let out a little yelp and darted to Caroline hoping she could help in any way possible.

"Done move". The vampire hunter screamed his gun now aimed at Elena's heart. "My bullet are wooden and laced with werewolf venom".  He should've intermediated, Elena but she was too worried about Caroline.

Caroline was tied to a chair with some very painful looking vervain ropes. However the most concerning thing was the duck tape taped to her mouth with vervain plants sticking out of it. Caroline herself was barely conscious. Her eyes had lighten up in surprise when she'd seen Elena. But had gotten back to their half asleep state merely moments later.

He was killing her and Elena couldn't take it. Without thinking she yanked the ropes off Caroline and held them up to the Vampire hunter before he pulled the tigger. "You let her go and I'll take her spot" she offered willing to sacrifice herself for Caroline.

The vampire hunter merely laughed his white teeth shining in the ceiling light. "And why would I do that, when I have both of you here where I want you". 

Elena hesitated for a moment an idea forming in her head. "If you let her go I'll be your bait for the Salvatore brothers. Let Caroline go and she'll bring them here. You'll have all of us here". He eyed her carefully, clearly considering the option

"And why would you agree to such a bad deal?" He questioned playing with a wooden bullet.

"I'll agree If you let Caroline go. I want her to live". Elena was starting to panic Caroline was looking worse and worse

"And what about the Salvatore brothers?". He questioned clearly enjoying the pain Caroline was in.

"I don't care about the Salvatore brother, I'd gladly sacrifice them for Caroline". Elena almost winced at her own lie but kept a neutral face. She did in fact care a lot about both brothers but she needed to safe Caroline's life. If only she could tell Caroline not to tell the Salvatore's she was here in trouble.

She wanted to sacrifice herself so no one else had to die. If they found out she was in danger they'd come here in a heartbeat. And then someone would get hurt or worse killed. No it was better this way, that way only Elena would die.

She looked up at the Vampire Hunter her expression cold. Finally her agreed. "Fine" he grumbled as he watched Elena immediately untie Caroline.

As she removed the duck tape from Caroline's mouth she whispered under her breath so quietly only a vampire could hear her. "Go to Stefan he will help you. Don't tell Damon or Stefan, someone will just end up getting killed. Make sure they don't come."

She managed to get Caroline to her feet while finishing her message. Caroline gave her a look that meant she'd heard what Elena had said. Then with one more sad look over her shoulder she vanished.

Elena felt a sharp pain in her back as the vampire hunger injected her with vervain. While Elena started to faint her last thoughts were prayers that Caroline would be too weak on vervain to think probably which meant she could sacrifice herself without anyone getting hurt.

Then darkness consumed her vision and Elena felt nothing but pain.

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