She's leaving home

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Click the play button above and listen to the song that I have set for this chapter as you read!

The slamming of a door shattered the silence that engulfed the crisp night sky. To Elise Ross that sound signalled the end of the road. She had just left her father and her mother had left her when she was very young and she almost never saw her. Her dad was mad at her because she wanted to sing. According to him singing was not a profession and she needed to do something more practical but what could you do in 1964 London, England that was practical? The answer is simple: nothing. So running away seemed like the best option at the time.

She walked down the path in front of the obnoxiously red house with her bag in hand and the neck less her grandmother gave her. To Elise, her grandmother was the only mother she had ever had and leaving her absolutely destroyed Elise but she had no choice. The only way she was going to make it was going to do it for herself. She turned back to look at her childhood home, taking in all of the memories one last time before leaving them all behind......

She (we gave her most of our lives)
Is leaving (sacrificed most of our lives)
Oh (we gave her everything money could buy)
She's leaving home after living alone for so many years....

Elise's POV
I kept walking until I came upon a small pub in the middle of London. I had at least $300 in my bag that I had saved up in case of emergency and the emergency was that I was starving.

I took a seat at one of the tables in the corner and ordered a malt. A group 4 men who looked around 19/20, around the same age as me walked in but I hardly noticed them because of the tears beginnings to stream down my cheeks as I processed what I had just done. Did I make a mistake? I asked Myself maybe I shouldn't have left... My thoughts were interrupted by a man approaching my table.

My head snapped up as the man began to speak "Are you alright?" He asked, "You look upset." his dark brown hair was tossed around and its deep colour complimented his brown eyes. In other words, He was hot. I continued to admire him until he spoke again "Hello?" He asked "Are you alright?" He repeated "Oh" I blushed deeply "Y-Yes I'm quite alright." I replied wiping the tears from my cheeks.

"You don't look alright." He stated, his eye brows furrowed. He took a seat next to me "First of all, my name is Paul, Paul McCartney." He reached out his hand "I'm Elise, Elise Ross." I said shaking his hand "Good, now that we're on a first name basis, would you tell me what's wrong."

I took a deep breath and explained everything to him. Neither of us said anything for a minute until Paul broke the silence "You know you can't run away from your problems...ain't no place far." He chuckled which made me smile. funny and hot I thought to myself "I think singing is an excellent profession." He took my hand in his, Which made my skin tingle and caused my heart beat slightly faster "I'm a singer too." He confessed smiling softly.

"I'd like to introduce you to my friends." He said pulling me up and guiding me towards the 3 other men "Elise this is John, George and Ringo." The one named John stood up and waltzed towards me "Well hello there." He smirked "I'm John." He went to grab my hand to kiss it but instead of grabbing my hand he pulled mine and Paul's. Since Paul's hand was on the top he ended up kissing his hand. John quickly realized his mistake and proceeded to walk backwards awkwardly, a light blush covering his face.

"So Paul," Ringo coughed trying to break the awkward silence "Is this your new girlfriend?" He smirked "N-No." Paul stuttered looking at the floor "Why would you think that?" "Because your holding hands." John chuckled. I blushed deeply and let go of Paul's hand and looked over at him. His face was almost the same colour of my obnoxiously red house.

"Elise is a singer too" Paul started "Which reminds me." He turned towards me "Would you like to stay with me and John until you find a place? I mean if you'd like...." He looked at the ground thinking I wouldn't appreciate the offer but it had the exact opposite affect
"of course." I smiled as he put his arm around my waist "Shall we?" He asked "We shall." I replied. He lead me out of the door, leaving the others behind looking shocked.

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