" of course." she said like she already knew.

I texted Troye to come to his room and he came within 2 minutes.

" Oh, she's in here." he said.

" First off, you need to stop being rude." I said.

" -but she.." He said before I cut him off.

" I don't want to hear it a second time. I told your sister after I comforted her and she's fine with it so you need to calm the fuck down." I said because I was so pissed at Troye for hurting Sage just before he was stressed.

" Your ok with it?" He asked, looking at her with soft eyes now.

" yeah, you idiot. of course I am." she said, smiling.

" I'm sorry for fighting." he said, hugging his sister now.

" it's ok." she whispered.

" you feel better now?" I asked.

" Yeah. I'm a little less stressed." he said.

I punched him in his arm.

" that's for taking your stress out on sage." I said.

" ouch. Ok. god you can punch." he said, rubbing his arm.

" how long has it been?" She asked.

" We've been dating about 2 months but officially been boyfriends for a month and 3 weeks." Troye said, the date engraved in his mind.

" That's enough time for a first kiss. How was it?" She said, putting her head in her hands.

Why does everyone want to link about kissing?

" We haven't yet." I said.

" woah woah woah woah. WOAH. you mean you haven't? Not even a peck? Me and my boyfriend kissed on the first date." she said.

" Well this is Connor's first relationship with a boy so I don't want to go to fast and make him anxious or uncomfortable. I want it to be right for him." He said grabbing my hand.

" Awwww." she mustered out.

" Troye, I don't want you hold back your feelings just to make me comfortable because our relationships are going to have bumps in it and I want complete honesty from you. I want you to be happy too" I said, looking him in the eyes.

" I won't. I promise." He said.

" ok. your my new otp. Stop being cute." she said like a true fangirl.

######## time lapse: dinner time########

Mr. mellet had made chicken and the whole mellet was surrounded around the table while I was in the den.

" Connor, come eat." Mr.mellet shouted.

" I don't want to intrude." I said.

" None sense. your a part of the family." Tyde said.

With that, I grabbed a plate and put a leg and a thigh on it. I put some green beans on as well and sat down by Troye. We ate until mrs. mellet spoke up.

" So comnor, We are so proud of your coming out video." She smiled.

" Thank you. I have a special person to thank for that." I said smiling down at my food.

" And who is that?" She asked.

" Troye." I said simply.

I could tell Troye had looked at me with the rest if the mellets. Most had a monotone face except sage of course. I went on eating until Troye intertwined our hands under the table. His family didn't notice and kept eating.

" How did he help?" She asked.

" oh you know, being supportive." I said.

" Well that is great your comfortable with yourself." she said smiling.

It went into an awkward silence of forks scratching against plates. I looked at troye and he looked tense. I nodded my head telling him it's ok.

" Connor and I are dating." He mumbled so low I could barely hear it and I was extremely close to him.

" Speak up dear. I can't hear you." His mother said.

" Connor and I are dating." he said louder, his face looking down.

" How long?" Steele spoke up.

" 2 months." I said, stabbing a piece of chicken.

" that's nice." Mr. mellet said.

Troyes face was red now from embarrassment and it was absolutely adorable. I decided to make him upset and took a bite of his green beans.

" Stop! You have green beans!" He whined.

" Yours looks better! " I yelled back.

He took a piece of chicken and shoved in his mouth a if he had won. With that, we started eating off each other's plate to make each other mad like 3 year olds. we eventually cleared each other's plates and looked at each other. He started laughing at the others face because we forgot we had been around other people.

After a wonderful dinner, Steele, Tyde, Sage, Troye and I moved to the den while Mr. and Mrs. Mellet moved to their bedroom. Tyde, Steele, and Sage took up the couch so I was left with the love seat with troye, but I'm not complaining. He grabbed a blanket and cocooned us in it. Steele got to pick the movie and he chose ' eat pray love'. What a classic.

The whole movie I continually scooted closer to troye and rested my head on his. By the end, I was on his lap with our legs intertwined. His siblings looked over at us and smiled while walking to their separate rooms.

" wanna watch another movie?" Troye asked.

" honestly, I just want to be near you so you pick." I said.

" let's just go to bed because I do not feel like carrying you up those stairs again." He laughed.

" I don't fall asleep that much!" I said, defending myself.

" Sure." he said sarcastically.

We ran up the stairs and he flopped on his bed while I looked at old pictures. There was one that caught my eye. It was of Tyler, Korey, Troye and I when we went to the beach back in California. There were many more along with school photos and certificates.

I eventually crawled next to Troye, who was already asleep. I looked over at the night stand.11:58. I watched till it changed to 12 a.m.

" Happy birthday, Troye." I said as I clicked off the lamp keeping the room lit.

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