"Khalil, wait, what's wrong", "Anissa says.

Her and Grace rush to the medical room.

"What's going on?", Grace asks.

"Yeah, what's wrong with Khalil.

"Too much", TC says taking a deep breath.

Anissa looks over at Lala nervously.

"Ok everyone leave the medical room, so I can work on Lala", Anissa says.

Everyone except Grace leaves the room.

Jenn, TC, and Brandon head to the sanctum.

"This is crazy", Jenn says taking a deep breath.

"I know, I can't believe Tobias is the reason Khalil's brother is dead", Brandon says.

"I mean what's new?", TC starts, "Tobias is the reason a lot of people are dead".

"But why Khalil's brother?", Jenn asks, "What could he had possibly done to provoke Tobias?".

"This has to go deeper than drug trafficking", TC says.

"But we won't ever find out if Lala keeps withholding those details", Brandon says.

"Oh he'll eventually talk, once he's well again he's gonna tell us everything he knows, or he'll become unwell", Jenn says.

Brandon and TC look at Jenn and laugh.

"Okay then Mrs. Fighter", Brandon says laughing.

"Shut up", Jenn says pushing Brandon.

They all laugh again.

"Okay, on a lighter note, I have an update on your powers", TC says.

"Details please", Jenn says smiling eagerly.

"Ok calm down", TC replies.

TC pulls up a diagram on the screen. It shows Jenn's body and data on it.

"Ok so this is Jenn's body, and she lost her powers by figuratively burning out her generator so much that it's evaporated", TC states.

"Which is weird to say nonetheless", Jenn says.

"Well all we have to do is physically rebuild her generator so it can begin to pump out more power into her system, which is where the pink power stripping balls come into play", TC says.

He pulls out a briefcase with the pink ball and a new green ball beside it.

"Whoa, is that one of the pink balls Wardog shot at us?", Brandon asks.

"Yes, we were able to obtain one and after figuring out the formula used to make the ball, I was able to reverse it and make a serum that can restore powers", TC says.

"Is that what this Green ball is?" Jenn says quickly picking it up.

"Yes, but be careful, since we have limited amount of the pink substance we have to be careful with the supply we have of the green one", TC says taking the ball back and sitting it down.

"So what do I do, eat the ball or something?", Jenn asks.

"No, if you consume to much of this too fast it will take over your body and who know what will happen", TC says.

"So how does she take it?", Brandon asks.

"We will begin making small injections every day so that her body can slowly adapt to the sudden changes, eventually become so strong that she will regain her powers in about 30 days", TC says.

Black Lightning: The Outsiders - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now