PART 25: Another victory

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PART 25: Another victory

Summer break had ended, and the presser of the championship hit Athena live a wave. It was Friday morning, Athena, George, and Stefano arrived at for the first time. Athena pick Stefano up, while George got their bags.

Fans were screaming at the Mercedes drivers walking into the paddock.

"Yaa we just spent the break at home, nothing exiting." Charles said as he stood talking to Carlos, Daniel and Lando.

"That's good. Sometimes a break from traveling is good." Daniel said.

"CARLOS!" A small voice yelled. All four guys turned to see Stefano running in their direction. Carlos moved and caught the two-year-old.

"Hey buddy, how are you doing?" Carlos asked hugging the boy. "I'm good." Stefano answered.

Athena and George walked over to the group. "Hello everyone." Athena greeted.

"Hey you two." Daniel teased. "How was your break?"

"It was good. Positano is beautiful and the people are so welcoming. Everyone knows how you are but now one rely cures. I felt normal for the first time in years." George said.

"And meeting the family?" Charles asked laughing.

"It went well. Nonna and mom like you." Athena said smiling.

The guys laughed. "So you didn't get dad's approval." Lando asked.

"I did, it just complicated. The last day we were there he told me that he didn't know me well, but he wanted to give me a chance." George replied.

Athena laughed. "That sounds like him."


Stefano was sitting on a chair watching practice 1 beside Angela. Every time he saw his aunt's car on the screen, he clapped his hands.

Angela smiled down at the boy. He was so happy every time he saw his aunt, even if it was on the TV screen.

Athena pulled into the garage. "What happened?" She asked walking over to Stephen. "We don't know yet. Let me check the car. You go cool down and have lunch with your kid. I will have the problem fixed my P2 later this afternoon." He replied.

"Okay." Athena said with a sigh. Toto quickly stopped her from going to her room.

"Athena, you need to calm down before you go see him. Stefano doesn't need to see you this angry. Take a walk or what ever but calm down first. Your 9th, Okay. This is only a practice you will pick pace and be at the top." He said.

"Yaa, your right. I'll be in the workout room." She said walking away.

Toto took a breath. He wasn't happy with the results ether, but this was a mechanical problem and only a practice. Athena needed to stay focused and her accidently snapping at Stefano wouldn't help anyone.


After calming down and lunch with Stefano, Athena got back in the car for Practice 2. She did slightly better by ending in p6.

By qualifying her car was fix and driving right. After battling with literally everyone Athena qualified third.


Race day Athena hugged Stefano before getting in the car. Stefano was playing with his toy cars during the race.

Athena had started the race on soft tires. The championship leader took the lead of the grand prix on lap 12 and took her fifth victory of the season and her fifth victory of her formula 1 courier.

Once she got out her car Athena celebrated with her team the took Stefano from Angela. The boy hugged onto her for dear life. "You won Nina." He whispered.

"Yes, I did buba." Athena replied walking over to her po-race interview with Stefano in her arms.

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