PART 2: Christmas party

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PART 2: Christmas party

It was the anneal formula 1 Christmas party. Sebastian, Charles, Carlos, Pierre, Mick, Daniel, Lando, Lewis, George, Max, and Sergio were sitting together talking.

"So, Lewis how are you feeling about not racing next year?" Sebastian asked.

"It's strange, I've been doing this since 2007. But I'm happy with the decision and I like Athena so I will be leaving Mercedes in good hands." Lewis answered.

"You've meet Athena. What's she like?" Daniel asked.

"She's amazing but you can find out for yourself." Lewis said standing up. "Athena darling." He said as a woman walked over.

"Lewis." The angelic voice said, rapping their arms around Lewis' neck in a tight hug.

"I wasn't expecting to see you here." Lewis said pulling away.

"Yaa, my flight was canceled because of the snow. So, Toto invited me." She answered.

"Let me interduce you to everyone." Lewis said moving out the way so the guys could see her. The air was hit out their lungs. Some of their mouths feal open without even realizing. Lewis shocks his head. "Well Athena these are the dam asses. Dam asses this is Athenas."

"Hello." Athena said laughing.

"Hello Athena, always good to see you." George said standing up to hug her.

"Hey Georgie, it's good to see too." Athena said hugging him.

"You look as beautiful as always." George commented pulling away sitting down again.

Athena's cheeks went a light pink. "Thank you. Ever the charmer Russell. If you'll excuse me for a second, I want to greet Toto, then I will be back." Athena said walking off.

"You dam assess. You all staring at her like a piece of meat." Lewis said sitting down again.

"You could have warned use that she looks like that." Lando said down.

"Well, I'm sorry. Now you stuck with her for the next two seasons." Lewis said laughing. "Just remember most of you have girlfriends and Athena is a hard girl to impress." He added.

Athena walked back over with a glass and a shot. "Hey what you all are talking about?" She asked sitting down between Lewis and George.

"Nothing much. What you got there?" Sebastian asked.

"This is just champion, and this is a Liquid Cocaine shot, which is Jägermeister, rum and cinnamon schnapps." Athena answered downing the shot with a straight face.

"Okay, Well that sounds good so I'm going to get one." Daniel said jumping and running to the bar.

"Athena, you going to teach them wrong thing." Lewis joked putting his arm over the back of the sofa behind her back.

"Do as I say and not as I do, and you all will be fine." Athena said innocently. She looked at Daniel at the bar. "If he has more then three of those he's going to blackout."

The conversation went on for hours. Everyone was joking around and telling story. Over time the other racers and some engineers joined.

At about 1am Athena and Lewis stood up. "Sorry to be a party boom but I need to get going. George, I will see you around Mercedes. The rest of you see you in Spain. Have an amazing holiday." She said walking out with Lewis behind her.

"You want to go find a hotel of do you just want to stay with me?" Lewis asked when they got to his car.

"I'll stay with you." Athena said smiling.

"Then let's not waste time darling." Lewis said smirking as they left.

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