PART 8: Meeting

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PART 8: meeting

Miami race week. Athena walked into the meeting in the Mercedes motorhome. "Good morning, everyone. Sorry I'm late, Mr. Domenicali wanted to talk to me." She said sitting down beside Daniel Paddock.

"That's alright Athena. What did he want?" Toto asked.

"He just wanted to congratulate me on the last few weeks and wished me luck in the championship battle." Athena answered.

"That's good. It means you being seen by the bosses, and we need that. It gives you more publicity and keeps your name out the shadows." Daniel commented.

"Talking about out the shadows. Both cars have been checked and Athena yours has a new gear box." Stephan said.

"Good, Athena." Toto started turning to her. "You are five points behind in the championship. If you keep up with this pace your will win your first championship and be the first person to win in their rookie year." Toto said with a smile.

"You went from ninth to first place in ten laps. Which is practically impossible. If we put a lot of time and effort in as well as keeping your training up. we will have the championship within weeks." One of the engineers said.

"The only thing is having to fight against two of the best drivers by myself is going to be hard." Athena commented.

"You are not alone Nina. I will do what I can to help you." George said smiling at her.

"Thank you, I would appreciate that." Athena replied.

"Okay so we focus on getting Athena the championship and George needs to stay in the top five. Red Bull won't win again." Toto said.

"On that note, Athena you have a press conference with Max and Charles after lunch. George yours is with Carlos, Sergio afterwards." Angela added.

"Okay is there anything you don't want me to say?" Athena asked.

"Not really there isn't much drama but... there is speculation that you are dating a driver on the grid. So, if it comes up just say it's not true." Angela answered.

Athena laughed. "Press loves making up drama. I can only guess it because of how much time I spend with all the drivers. I honestly thought people would make a seen about Leonardo last week." She said with made everyone laugh or chuckle.

"The press want drama especially from you. And you not giving them what they want so they make up drama." Daniel said.

"Yes, because the photos you put on social media make people think Athena and I are together." George said. "Even my mom phoned me to ask what's going on."

"It was one post about you two playing chess in you driver's room. I didn't think it would start dating rumors." Daniel commented laughing.

At the press conference Athena sat between Max and Charles. They were laughing and talking well waiting for the conference to start.

Someone from FiA walked onto the stage and started. "We are going to start."

"Miss King, Last week in Italy you had difficulties with the car. This wasn't spoken about. Can you tell use what happened?" Interviewers 1 asked.

"Both myself and George had troubles. I do not know what happened to his car, but I struggled with the gears. It wouldn't go past 6th gear. But both cars have been checked and I did get a new gear box." Athena answered.

"Do you have worries about the car? Because you have had problems almost every week."

"I finish every race in the top five. I do believe the car is fine." Athena said.

"You are second in the chase for the championship. But you have had a difficulty on this track in the past. How are you feeling going into this weekend?"

"These of you that have followed my courier would know I have never finished a race here in Miami. If I crashed out or had engine difficult, I never finished. But I do hope to change that this year."

The press conference continued. 

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