PART 5: Media day

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PART 5: Media day

The following week brought them to Albert Park circuit in Melbourne Australia. Thursday after lunch Athena walked into her interview with Max, Christian and Toto.

She was of course the last to arrive. She shocks Christian's hand, gave Max a quick hug and waved at the camera's before sitting beside Toto.

"Hello everyone. Shell, we get started." She said smiling.

"Athena if I may start with you?" Interviewer1 asked reserving a polite nodded. "You are still the rooky on the grid, but you are currently tied with Charles in challenging Max for the championship. Do you think you have a chance to win the championship in your first year?"

"I wouldn't be here if I didn't think I can win the championship. Toto chose me to take Lewis set and I will prove that I deserve it. This will be a fight between experience, speed, and talent. Charles and Max are both extremely talented. I have driven against both back in Karting and then in formula 3 and I know they will make it a challenge. Which is why I'm here." Athena answered.

"How is the car driving? You had clutch and break problems over testing and the first race. What happened?" Interview2 asked.

"All problem were fixed. The clutch was to tight for me to use and the breaks were too far back for me. The cars are made for man almost two my size. Although the car was changed to my size and weight somethings were still left as it was." She answered.

And so the interviews continued. Saturday morning a bunch of the grid members were meet for breakfast in the hotel restaurant.

Athena walked down. "Hey, sorry I'm late. The meet with Toto and Stephan took longer than I thought it would." She said sitting in the open chair between Pierre and George.

"It's ok, I ordered you a chocolate double espresso and three cheese omelet with bacon." George said. "With a side plate of stuffed jalapeños." He added.

Athena gasped dramatically. "Thank you. That's my favorite." She said hugging him.

"I know. You always ordered it when we were kids." He replied.

"I know you two have known each other for a long time but not that long." Lando commented.

"Yaa, we meet when I started in F3. So, what seven years ago." Athena replied.

The food came everyone eat and talked when Athena's phone started blowing up like crazy. "Who wants to talk to you so badly Athena?" Charles asked.

She looked at her phone and put it back on the take. "It's Marcel." She answered in a sour voice.

"Who?" Pierre asked.

"My ex. He wants to meet up well I'm in Melbourne." She said taking another bit of her food. "And his not use to being told no."

"He sounds like a prick." Pierre commented.

"Because he is." George said under his breath.

"What did he do?" Mick asked.

"He said because of my schedule and how busy I am when I'm home I shouldn't say anything about his cheating, because he needs the attention and he's not getting it from me." Athena said picking up her phone.

"That's ridicules." Carlos said.

"Yep. Let's get going we need to get to the track." Athena said placing money on the table and getting up. George followed her action and walked out with her.

Qualifying went well. Athena in 5th and George in 6th. Athena and George filmed a video for the media challenge before heading back to the hotel.

"Do you maybe want to come watches a movie with me?" Athena asked.

"As long as it's a horror." He replied.

"Of course." Athena said grabbing his hand and leading him to her room.

George fell on the bed the second he was in her room. "Today was tiring." He said looking up at Athena.

"Yaa it was. What do you want to watch?" She asked taking her shoe's of and getting in bed.

"Whatever horror movie you haven't watch." He replied taking of his shoe's and getting in behind her.

They watch two movies before Athena started dossing of. George turned her laptop off and pulled her more into his arms before joining her in the land of sleep.

In the morning the pair got ready for the race and headed to the track together.

The drivers did well. Athena ending is forth, and George ended in third.

Charles was now leading the championship with Athena 14 points behind.

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