PART 24: Mr. King

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PART 24: Mr. King

It was George and Athena's last day in Positano Italy. The next morning the pair would be fighting back to London before the second half of the 2022 season starts.

George walked downstairs only to be meet with the strong smell of coffee. He walked into the kitchen and saw Athena making breakfast with Italian music playing.

He walked up behind her and rapped his arms around her waist. "Good morning." He whispered and kissed her head.

"Morning, how did you sleep?" Athena asked.

"I sleep well. Your bed is so comfortable. What are you making?" He asked.

"Eggs, beacon, tomatoes, sausages, and scones. My parents are joining use for the day." She replied.

"Okay, do you need help?" George asked

"Not in here, but if you can wake Stefano up and make shore his dressed. That would be amazing."

"I can do that." George said before walking up stair to Stefano's room. George walked in to see the two-year-old still sound asleep. He switched the lights on and walked over to the bed. "Good morning little man. It's time to get up."

Stefano slowly opened his eyes and looked straight in George's. He smiled and rapped his arms around George's neck. "Morning."

"You need to get up little one. Grampa and gran are coming for breakfast." George said.

"Okay... I'll gest up." Stefano said.

"It looks like you aunt already pick cloths for you, so lets get you dressed." George said quickly helping Stefano change and get ready for the day. He walked downstair with Stefano in his arm.

Athena and her parents were sitting at the table talking. Athena looked up at the two. "George, you didn't have to change him but thank you." She said.

"It okay, I don't mind helping with him." George said setting Stefano of the ground. "Morning Mr. and Ms. King." He greeted.

"Good morning, George." Kate said.

"Morning." Caso said turning back to him daughter and grandson. "Thea are you sure you want to take Stefano with you for the rest of the season. He can stay with us if you want."

"Yes, I'm sure. I've talked to Toto and some members of the FiA they all say Stefano can come as long as he behaves and doesn't run off." Athena replied.

"I will behave Aunty bubbles." Stefano said taking a scone.

"I know you will baby." Athena said smiling.


After breakfast George insisted on helping clean up, while Kate got Stefano ready for the beach.

Athena, Kate, and Stefano walked by the water. George sat quietly beside Caso. Caso sighted before speaking. "I hope know that my disliking isn't towards you."

George turned face the older man. "Athena is my world; she is my baby. Her last boyfriend used her for her fame and money. It broke her when the truth came out. I don't want to see her get hurt again even more so with Stefano around. I know you are a good man; I've seen that over the last week, but I don't know you." Caso said.

George took a breath processing what he had been told. "Mr. King, I know what Marcel did to her. I want you to know I would never do that to her. I truly love your daughter, not for her fame or money but for her. I know you don't know me, but I hope you will give me a chance prove that I won't hurt your daughter any why." He said.

"George." Athena called from the water.

"I will give you a chance." Caso replied. George smile, shock Caso's hand and ran down the beach to Athena and Stefano.

Kate walked over to her husband, she smiled at him. Caso smile back and opened his arms for her. "They look good together." Kate said as George and Athena were splashing around with Stefano.

"Yes, they do." Caso said with a sigh.

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