PART 16: She's perfect

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PART 16: She's perfect

"I think we living in a dream, because there is no way that, THAT is real." Pierre said as he along with the other drivers watched Athena from across the lobby of the hotel.

"Mate hasn't she rejected you enough." Daniel said laugh.

"I take it as playing hard to get." Pierre said leaning back on the coach.

The guys laughed. "I do see what you mean though. She seems to perfect." Mick said.

"Yaa, how doesn't she not have a boyfriend yet?" Lando asked.

"She's never really dated." George answered.

"Wonder why." Carlos questioned.

"She said she's to busy for a proper relationship." George stated.

"I call bull." "She obviously like someone and just hasn't acted on it." Daniel added on Max's comment.

"Can we change the topic. I already spend most of my time in conversations about or with her. So please." George asked.

The guys all looked confused but agreed and changed the topic.

Later that day at the track, Athena was walking down the paddock to where the drivers were standing and talking.

Athena was on facetime with Stefano. She quickly walked up to Carlos. "Look who it is." She said showing the phone to him.

"HEY, my favorite kid." Carlos said. He took Athena's phone and walked away to talk to Stefano.

"Did he just take your phone?" Max questioned.

"Yes, they best buds now. Every time I call Stefano, he asked were Carlos or Charles is." Athena explained. She put her head on George's shoulder.

"You good?" He asked rapping his arm around the Italian girl.

"Mostly, it's hard having to take over mom role and fill dad's shoes in less than a month. My sister can't look at her son without crying, she completely stepped back. So, now I have a three-year-old who just loosed his dad and now his mom walked out on him. I'm struggling to keep a smile on his face especially from the other side of the world." Athena explained.

"You'll fighter it out." George said smiling sympathetically.

"How can your sister just walk out on her own son?" Sergio asked.

"Stefano was a high school mistake. She feel pregnant, had her son and left to focus on her life. Her acting comes first. She had a baby and left; I would do anything to have a baby of my own." Athena answered.

"You can't have children?" Max asked.

"It a hard topic, because of the racing and all the crashes. The possibility of me getting pregnant is slim." She answered.

"At lest you have Stefano." George said.

"Yaa. I do."


"That's P3 Athena." Stephan said over coms.

The race had just ended after a crazy few laps. Max survived a battle with Athena and Carlos. After a safety car on lap 49. Carlos went into the pit and had a tire change. He past Athena but couldn't pass Max.

George came home in fourth right behind his teammate.


Verstappen – 162

King – 150

Leclerc – 109

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