35. Drunk

841 74 5

Jimin- so what u wanted to hear??

Mishti- uhmm..leave it.

Jimin- say it..come on...!!

Mishti looks at him.

Mishti- I... I...am about to puke.

Jimin- what???

Jimin immediately takes her inside the bathroom and she empties her stomach there while jimin just holds her hairs.

Then....they both come outside.

Jimin- you are not fine... Mishti... I should call Sam.

He was about to go when Mishti holds his hand.

Jimin- what now?

Mishti- you hate me.. right?

Jimin- why????

Mishti- coz I just puked in front of u.

Jimin laughs when she says that.

Mishti starts crying like a baby.

Mishti- see u r laughing at me..!!

Jimin- no no...!! I am not...see I am quiet now.

Mishti- no...!!

She goes and sits on the bed again.

Jimin- Mishti... please... I am sorry.

Mishti- no...!!!

Jimin- ok...then I'll go.

Mishti- no..!!

Jimin- why?

Mishti- stay with me.

Jimin- ok ok but...you have to promise me that you won't cry anymore.

Mishti- ok. See I am smiling.

She smiles brightly.

Jimin- yes...good girl.

Mishti- you know that I was so sad when you were not talking to me.

Jimin- really??

Mishti- yes..!!

Jimin- ohh yeah..coz I am ur friend right?

Mishti- no..!!

Jimin- Am I not ur friend?

Mishti- yes...you are..but...

Jimin- but?

Mishti- I felt..as if..

Jimin- as if?

Mishti- as if my boyfriend is upset with me.

Jimin- boyfriend???

Mishti- hmm.

Jimin- but I am not ur boyfriend.

Mishti- so become naa..!!

Jimin- what???

Mishti- yes..!! See... everybody got their love partner..only I am single.

Jimin- so u want me to become ur boyfriend coz everyone else is mingle?

Mishti- hmm...but I think that I actually like you.

Jimin looks at her immediately.

Jimin- and y do u think so?

Mishti- coz you...(she gets hiccups)

Jimin- ohh god.

He immediately stands up and brings water for her.

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