Chapter 52

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Genevieve was beautiful on her wedding day. We all got ready at the house and when Erik went to leave our bedroom, he kissed me on the cheek. I smiled at him, "I'm proud of you, darling."

"Never in a million tears could I have done this without you.." he began to cry, "I love you, Caroline."

"I love you, Erik."

We embraced for a long time until Gisele interrupted us, "Her royal high-ass said it's time to get a move on."

"Hey!" Genevieve returned.

Erik and I both burst into fits of laughter. Erik smiled, "I was just about to say what lovely and classy daughters we have until now."

"I get it from Mama!" Gisele chuckled.

"Oh get out!" I laughed.

Georgette came in to join in the fun. Finally, it was time for the ceremony. Erik and I walked out the door hand in hand. Georgette and Gisele walked to the carriage with Genevieve, and Erik hesitated as the cool air hit his whole face, "Past the point of no return," he whispered.

I kissed his scarred cheek and squeezed his hand.

At the church, I sat in my seat my seat anxiously. I prayed that no person would be rude enough to gasp when seeing Erik.

Georgette and Gisele walked down the aisle, and finally the Wedding March began. I looked at the opening doors and saw Erik smiling proudly with his arm intertwining with his daughter's.

The Phantom of the Opera was dead. Erik Destler was here to stay.

After a beautiful ceremony and a fun reception, Erik and I returned home with one less daughter who had gone home with her new husband.

Once I had taken off my wedding clothes, I changed into a flowy night gown. Erik came and swept me off of me feet on an embrace, "What was that for?" I smiled.

"Come, I have something I want to do."

"Erik, we're in our pajamas!" I giggled.

"Live a little, my dear."

I slipped on a pair of shoes and followed him down to the pier. He carried a bag with him. The whole way we laughed and giggled like a young couple though we were far from it.

When we reached the pier, I stared at Erik for a moment, realizing he hadn't returned his mask to his face.

He smiled at me. "My dear, it's time I rid myself of these chains... It's all because of you...  Go ahead. Take one and throw it to the great beyonds of the ocean."

"Erik, what are you talking about? Did you drink too much?"

He reached into his mysterious bag and pulled out one of his masks.

"Erik... are you sure?"

His eyes were filled with tears, "I've realized that I was never a monster because of my face. My perception of myself and my face made me a monster. Tonight, I was the father of the bride, Gisele's, Genny's, and Georgette's father, Caroline's husband, Phantasma's owner. No one cared about my deformity. I was free."

"Be free then, darling!" I said and wailed his mask into the water.

We threw the remaining masks off the pier and embraced. Erik kissed me passionately.

"Hey! Get off the pier... oh Mr. Destler... I'm sorry," the security guard blushed.

"It's quite alright, Gary. You don't expect to see old people making out."

Gary laughed.

"Night, Gary," I giggled.

Then Erik and I ran home like a couple of bad kids laughing and giggling all the way.

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